Unilateral exercises for base build

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Re: Unilateral exercises for base build

Post by alottadav »

Maxrip13 wrote:
alottadav wrote:
grouchyjarhead wrote:It would but you might find that's a LOT of Turkish get-ups.
Just SLIGHTLY overlooked that haha.

I just like TGU for full body strength and maintaining a good core

Do something different for your SE.

I love doing pullups, but I need to work a different movement pattern for a change.
If you use TGU alot then visit something else during your basebuilding.

Pick something that targets a weakness and watch your getup improve in the long run.

What do yall think of something like Sandbag over shoulder- clearly a lighter sandbag. 55-60# 10 reps each side is simple. I understand it would be tough later on when the reps increase- Just looking for a more FULL BODY addition

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Re: Unilateral exercises for base build

Post by Maxrip13 »

alottadav wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:
alottadav wrote:
Just SLIGHTLY overlooked that haha.

I just like TGU for full body strength and maintaining a good core

Do something different for your SE.

I love doing pullups, but I need to work a different movement pattern for a change.
If you use TGU alot then visit something else during your basebuilding.

Pick something that targets a weakness and watch your getup improve in the long run.

What do yall think of something like Sandbag over shoulder- clearly a lighter sandbag. 55-60# 10 reps each side is simple. I understand it would be tough later on when the reps increase- Just looking for a more FULL BODY addition
I would use that as part of a HIC session. The challenge with them is the awkward weight and them literally "crushing you" and making it hard to breath. I personally don't find it taxing muscularly it's more the oxygen debt that becomes an issue.
There is nothing wrong with giving it a go and telling us your results :D

I just started my unilateral base build and did my first SE day literally half an hour ago. I am using my SE as my time to focus on little areas I feel are weak and I compensate for in full body movements like the Squat and deadlift.

My exercise and why I chose them:

1 leg Deadlift
I had surgery on my left knee a few years ago. It has never quite come good since. The physio prescribed 1 leg deadlifts in a slow controlled manner(20 sec lower, 5 sec pause) I feel like it stretches and strengthens all the tight/painful areas around my knee. I am using it in my cluster to see how higher reps will effect things without the pause.

I am ex military and no longer include these besides in my warm up. It's time to up my numbers and return to the previous high numbers I could pump out.

I am not strong enough to do 20 pistols and Bodyweight squats are easy. I considered Bulgarians but these are easier to do without needing to raise my foot.

1 arm KB Row
I always do pullups. It is time to do some rowing.

1 leg Glute Ham Bridge
Another physio exercise. I wanted to see the results I had with these at a higher volume unloaded.

This was a spur of the moment addition. I am starting at 1 min but will build up by 30 secs ea time.
Just a static timed movement with no room for cheating.

This is how I chose my exercises for my current base build. I am not saying this is the right thing, but it is definitely something to consider.
Also something to add, My core is absolutely fried from all the unilateral work :D

Include some exercises that will make you work hard, but also include some exercises that focus on weaknesses you want to work on.
Feel free to try something different. In the end it's only 5 weeks of your life and you can always do another after a short cycle of Black or Green.

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Re: Unilateral exercises for base build

Post by Aelian »

Seabassius wrote:I am getting ready to start a BB session again (when a little back soreness from cross country skiing goes away) and was thinking of doing some unilateral exercises for any imbalances I might have. I've seen arguments against for lifting heavy because you can put up so much more, but feel like they might fit pretty well for a base build cluster.

Leaning toward the following cluster:
1 arm DB bench
DB Split stance Bulgarian Squat
TRX 1 Arm Row
Single Leg Romanian Dead lift
Medicine ball overhead bring down to side of raise knee (got this one from PT)
TRX Ripper sledge hammers
TRX Ripper Rotational punches
Ab Wheel Rollout

Haven't decided on tango or bravo - either one I'll cut in half for each appendage. Bravo seems like A LOT of TGUs eventually!
Going back and forth on the DB bench or DB pressere, I rarely do shoulder work and think this may help some recurring impingement I seem to get every few months however the med ball targets the shoulders on the lifting portions.

Any preference one way or another on Bulgarian Split squats vs lunges?

Welcome any feedback or thoughts.
Don't have much to add other than to say the 1 arm DB bench is fantastic...first learned about it through one of Ross Enamait's books.

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Re: Unilateral exercises for base build

Post by mikhou »

grouchyjarhead wrote:5 exercises is the sweet spot for me. Upper body push, upper body pull, lower body push, lower body pull, core/full body.
This right here. I am doing a base build right now and did MS first and am now in week 5. I am running Tango circuits using: push-ups, wall squats (facing the wall, not the isometric hold), pull-ups, 1-legged Romanian deadlifts (bodyweight), and a plank for a minute followed by 10 T2B's. The only change that I have made is that I do the 1-legged RDLs for a minute on each side and then take the minute break. I like Tango circuits because I'm not looking to increase my strength endurance as much as give my joints a break for 3 weeks.

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Re: Unilateral exercises for base build

Post by Seabassius »

Thanks to everyone for posting, and glad my question could help others. Just started my training log back up and posted the cluster I decided to go with on there, but wanted to follow up to this thread to say thank you. Others have said it before but now its my turn, this site has some great support and members.

SE Cluster this go round is going to be
1 Arm DB Bench
Lunges (I may sub in Bulgarian Split Squats)
1 Arm TRX Row
1 Leg glute ham bridge
Overhead medicine ball chop, 1 leg

If I'm short on time I'm going to drop the med ball chops. If I have lots of time, I'll add in some prehab work.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Unilateral exercises for base build

Post by Maxrip13 »

Seabassius wrote:Thanks to everyone for posting, and glad my question could help others. Just started my training log back up and posted the cluster I decided to go with on there, but wanted to follow up to this thread to say thank you. Others have said it before but now its my turn, this site has some great support and members.

SE Cluster this go round is going to be
1 Arm DB Bench
Lunges (I may sub in Bulgarian Split Squats)
1 Arm TRX Row
1 Leg glute ham bridge
Overhead medicine ball chop, 1 leg

If I'm short on time I'm going to drop the med ball chops. If I have lots of time, I'll add in some prehab work.
Nice cluster :D I like it.

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