TB without bench/ohp/squat

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TB without bench/ohp/squat

Post by Hellequin »

Hi here
After years of doing other things I came back to reread the TB books. I also bought the Green book and I think it's amazing.

I wanted to re-dive into the TB again after my layoff. Conditioning, especially running is an issue right now (didn't run frequently after a hip surgery 18 months ago).

Here's my problem:
I am no longer training in a gym. I have a barbell in my cellar (no rack, no bench, low ceiling - > no squats without cleans, no bench, no ohp) which I use for deadlifts, rows and cleans and I have kettlebells from 8 to 48kgs.
This means that I just can't follow any of those strength templates.

Did anyone use those TB templates with kettlebells only?
The other possibility is to stick with Pavel's stuff for strength and use TB templates for conditioning alone...

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Re: TB without bench/ohp/squat

Post by Barkadion »

It probably can be done with unilateral movements that can allow you to get decent load. Don’t forget about landmine use of barbell. So much can be done. Also, I remember doing BW cluster with rings. Archer rows, archer pushups, ring assisted pistols.
I mean it can be done. Just follow main TB principles. Good luck.
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Re: TB without bench/ohp/squat

Post by TheWolf »

Barbell Hack Squats instead of Squats. I do these as I do not have a Squat Rack at home.

Floor Press instead of Bench Press. You basically lay flat on the floor and conduct the same movement as a Bench Press. Pavel loves them. You may ask how do you get under the bar? 20kg plates usually allow enough room to get under. If not, you can make a rack by cutting wide slits into milk crates and lay the bar on them while you get under.

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Re: TB without bench/ohp/squat

Post by H.C. »

Side Press

I am doing Dumbbell Side Press at home for the past year or so.

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Re: TB without bench/ohp/squat

Post by TBPenguin »

The aftermath of surgeries can really suck. Good luck with that.

Building on The Wolf's idea - you should be able to put together a functional "rack" or two for less than the cost of one of those large kettlebells. Basically sawhorses or something like them. This would allow you to do bottom position start squats (regular, front squat, or Zercher), and floor presses. With some form of squat, floor presses, and some kind of rows, plus deadlifts, you can do almost every TB template. There are some decent doorframe pullup bars that just go on and off, unless you are really heavy and add a lot of weight your doorframes will handle them easily.

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