How to increase chin up numbers?

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Re: How to increase chin up numbers?

Post by recursiveBeginner »

This is a non-standard approach, but has worked well for me over the last block or so (took my pull up numbers from ~5 to ~10).

It actually came about because I was really squeezed for time - I wanted to do extra sets (4 or 5) on the press and squat, and still wanted to keep the pull ups in the frame.

So I figured out a conservative number of pull ups that I could just walk up to a bar and do perfectly, regardless of fatigue, any time, anywhere: about 50% of my max worked well. So starting off with 2 reps if my total was 5; if your total is 3, perhaps start with 1. The point was for it to be so achievable I didn't need 2mins' rest beforehand (heresy, I know :-)).

I then just did that number of reps immediately after each set of my main lifts. Finished the squat/press set, walked straight over to the bar, did 2 pull ups, then I set the timer for 2mins in order to rest properly for my next set of squat or press.

It was easy to accumulate up to 10 sets of pull ups this way each session. I never went anywhere near failure. It didn't affect my other lifts because it was such a low number each time and, anyway, I always rested at least 2min before lifting.

The following week I would then nudge maybe half of the sets up by 1rep, or whatever felt realistic. Over the course of a block I went from something like 10x2 reps to 10x5-6 reps per session; the volume really adds up over the week. At the end of the first block I actually managed a single set of 10 pull ups, which I didn't expect.

So yeah, might not work for everyone but it did for me!

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Re: How to increase chin up numbers?

Post by Mindboozer »

With respect to the elbow pain, I've found that throwing bicep curls back into the mix really helps. I started getting elbow pain from pullups and benching that wasn't going away. Did some research and found that this can be a common problem when the tricep and bicep become imbalanced. I started doing curls 1 - 2 times a week for 3x10 after my main workout and haven't had elbow pain since.

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Re: How to increase chin up numbers?

Post by Onebunk »

I see this is an older thread, but had to share that I had great success with ladders three days a week while changing my grip each day and elbow pain went away. I used a tactical pull-up, a parallel grip, and gymnastics rings.

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Re: How to increase chin up numbers?

Post by nathan.smetzer »

1. Check out the tactical pull-up form. I used to have the same elbow issues with pull-ups, but once I fixed my form I am a lot better. I literally have my arms MAYBE 1/2 a hand wider than my shoulders, it will seem very narrow but you sort of want to mirror the grip you take with your overhead press or push-up. Pull like your trying to bring your hands into your armpits. You may not make it there but use that visual on how you pull.

2. I personally do not do well with a thumb-less grip; it actually causes more elbow pain. I use a nice strong full grip.

3. Their are hundreds of ways to do it and you just need to find that way that works for you. You may respond differently to different tactics, not all are universal. Try one method for a few weeks or a month, if you're numbers don't go up, try a different method. Possibly, switching methods once a month may be what increases your numbers.

4. Lastly, I suggest using different grip styles. Neutral grip, supinated grip, and pronated grip will create emphasis on different muscles. The catch, is that despite the differing emphasis they all utilize the same muscles, so by emphasizing chin-ups one day you can add more strength to the biceps that will carry-over to your pull-ups. This is a way that you can prevent any strength leakages (and maybe prevent boredom a little also).

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