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Read Before Posting

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:56 pm
by K.B.
Read this before asking for a template/protocol critique:

List all relevant information - including:
Training Goal
Strength Template
Conditioning Protocol
Lift numbers
SE/Bodyweight numbers
Run Times
Diet - dietary restrictions i.e. like low carb or keto

Do NOT ask vague questions like:
'Does this look okay?'
'Is this good for Navy Seal Green Beret Commando selection?'

DO ask specific, answerable questions after giving us all relevant information.
Make your questions easy to understand. Use plain English, be direct, and get to the point.
Questions like 'I've been doing the above for x number of months and my push-up numbers aren't improving. What can I change or tweak to improve my push-ups?'

- List your questions at the end of your post in bullet point format like this. Don't force us to analyze your wall of text to figure out what your question is.

Disregarding any of the above will lead to your post being locked and/or deleted.
If it's obvious you haven't read the material and your questions are clearly answered in the books - your post will be locked/and or deleted.

The members of this forum are a wealth of knowledge. Many of our regulars have developed extensive expertise in various facets of training and fitness over the years. They will help you with specific issues, but they're not here to create your program for you. Treat them and their time with respect.