aodh - Training Logs (critique encouraged)

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aodh - Training Logs (critique encouraged)

Post by aodh »

Hey all,

Here begins my training log. Potential criticism greatly encouraged. Honestly I'm mostly putting this up so I can look back at my training for reference. Currently I'm training to join the Royal Marines with the dream being making it in either the SAS or SBS. Obviously special forces are a long shot statistically and require a level of mental toughness that's likely largely innate but I'm hoping I'll get the chance to give it my best shot in the future. Either way that would be after 4 years of being a general duties Marine as that's when people specialise. Currently 5'10 ish, 71kg, 23 years old.


Standards for the Marines:
2.4km run in a squad at a 12:30 pace, 1min rest, 2.4km best effort in less than 10:30 (less than 8:15 for max points)
Beep test - 10.5 (13.1 or more for max points)
Tricep Push Ups - 30 to beeps (50-60 for max points)
Dead hang Pull Ups - 3 to beeps (12-16 for max points)
Sit Ups (feet held) - 60 to beeps (72-85for max points)
Minimum weight is 65kg to minimise training risks.
Swim 80m breatstroke.
Pick up a brick from 3m.

In the past I'd used Operator(Bench,SQU,WPU,DLx1, later added OHP) + essentially green (at that point my E was stuff I came up with usually a 5k or 10k with occasional sprint 100m, walk 100m for 5k as HIC). I also used a generic P90x core workout and sometimes did SE work on my non lifting days. I would also do a bodyweight AMRAP burnout on pull ups at the end of every lifting session.
This got me a:
9:10 2.4km best effort
43 Push Ups
16 Pull Ups
50 Sit Ups without my feet held
83kg bodyweight up from 70 when I started TB (I was bulking on 3000cals a day at this point, more musclemass makes casevac easier).

On the bulking point I have a distinct memory during my 1 year of OTC (UK ROTC) when we were doing fireman carries as PT. I ended up paired with a 90kg dude (plus maybe 5kg of kit each) and couldn't even walk with him on my shoulders at 65kg. At this point I'd never touched a barbell before, all of my conditioning before this had been calisthenics.

I got injured at work after hitting those numbers and was unable to train except for running (which I didn't do because I was demoralised as fuck due to both this and other events) for about 6 months. I dropped back to 68kg and lost all of the strength I had gained.

Current Training

Recently I completed my physio so I'm getting back in the saddle. I'm currently on the Sunday of my 4th week of Base Building. I went with the SE first option. In retrospect I think this was definitely the wrong descision. My maximal strength base is fucking nonexistent right now and as such I definitely struggle on some of the exercises.
My SE cluster is as follows:
Push Ups - I've been massively struggling here. From Week 3 with 3x40 reps It's been a huge grind.
Goblet Squats - I dislike these but I don't struggle as much as the Push Ups
Pull Ups - I don't follow the BB rep scheme for this. I started with 3x5 reps increasing reps every week. I completed 3x8 reps this week. I also do a 3xAMRAP burnout at the end of every SE session.
Sit Ups - These are completely fine so far.
Kettlebell Swings - I really enjoy these. This is my first time using kettlebells but I'm a big fan of this exercise.
Using a 16kg Kettlebell for all of the above.

My E sessions have been increasing by 10mins every week. Week 1 was 30 mins, this week they were 60 mins. Saturday E sessions where you can push it have been at minimums mostly. Week 1 was 35 mins, this week was just 60 mins rather than 65. My second E session in the week I do a triple of running, rowing and cycling just to give my body a rest from running 2 days in a row.

Week 1:
Monday - I didn't realise that I was meant to do 3x20 circuits so I had just done 3x10.
Tuesday - Run was alright, focused on slowing my pace. Legs were tired.
Wednesday - Triples were fine, rowing is interesting, I can live in a state of feeling like I can't go much longer for a long time.
Thursday - Did correct rep scheme this time.
Friday - Stretched, minor DOMS due to not being used to activity.
Saturday - Skipped run. Was extremely depressed all weekend (have been fighting that since getting injured, it was the straw that broke the camel's back)

Week 2:
Monday - Skipped training, was still depressed.
Tuesday - SE was difficult but just about manageable. Push Ups started kicking my ass in set 2 and 3, couldn't complete them perfectly in 1 go. Added Pull Up AMRAP burnout. Run was good all things considered, obviously harder than normal due to SE beforehand. Body was much more used to it. Feeling good.
Wednesday - Took day off. DOMS is my life.
Thursday - SE was manageable. Added Pull Up AMRAP burnout. Triples were decent.
Friday - DOMS...DOMS everywhere.
Saturday - 45 min run, started to get parasthaesia (pins and needles in my feet and calves) a bit at the end. Still had some DOMS from Wed.

Week 3:
Monday - SE kicked my ass. Enter 20 push ups, wait 20 secs, 10, wait 20, 10 e.t.c. Needed to pause on goblet squats, sit ups and kettlebell swings were fine. Added Pull Up AMRAP burnout.
Tuesday - Run was good. Parasthaesia from 40 mins, finished run with numb legs from calves down. Overall felt super easy compared to last weeks fuckery with double sessions.
Wednesday - Triples were solid. Added Pull Up AMRAP burnout. Was sweating fucking buckets by the end of my bikeride but feeling good.
Thursday - SE kicked my ass slightly less edition due to only 2 sets. Added Pull Up AMRAP burnout.
Friday - DOMS was medium.
Saturday - 55 min run. Found a hill to do Hill Sprints later for HIC. Ran halfway up it, parasthaesia from 25-30 mins onwards. Apart from that legs were feeling decent, bit tired but very managable, breathing was super easy.

Week 4:
Monday - Had to break my 1x50 into sets. Feeling weak. Did my 3x8 pullups, ground my way slowly up the last rep. AMRAP burnout.
Tuesday - Run was good. Parasthaesia from 40 mins, finished run with numb legs from calves down. Breaking feeling very solid. Despite the numb legs muscles were feeling good. By end of day (I train in the morning) the outside of my right knee ached to the point that climbing stairs was awkward and I was only stepping up with my left leg. Ran 11.8km in 60 mins. When I used to do 60 min runs I would hit 10km and feel smoked. This time I was feeling good apart from the numb legs.
Wednesday - Skipped training due to the Knee ache.
Thursday - SE not feeling great again. Triples were fine. Added Pull Up AMRAP burnout after the 3x8 sets earlier did about 11-7-3. Some knee twinges during the 20 mins of running.
Friday - No DOMS. No knee ache.
Saturday - 60 min run. People were doing a park run, was interesting going along the same route as them for a bit. Pace was slightly higher through some of it, which resulted in a slowdown later. Parasthaesia from 35 mins onwards. Knee started twinging from about 45 mins. When I finished the knee didn't feel great. I wasn't limping but close. Watched a movie later that day. After the prolonged sitting it froze up a bit.

Closing Thoughts

I'm not looking forward to Week 5, I know full well that the 3x50 sets are going to MURDER me. I'm definitely dropping my E session to the minimum 45 mins as well. I'm unsure what I should do about this knee other than rest. Hopefully next week it's fine as SE didn't seem to mess with it. I'm looking forward to the last 3 weeks as I'll be lifting again. I'm planning to start BJJ in Week 6 so that'll be fun, will see how my body copes with that + training. May wait a week to make sure I'm doing fine and start in Week 7 instead. Also want to start swimming soon. I'm awful at it, planning to get lessons then use swimming as an E option in continuation.

I'm really starting to wonder about the parasthaesia. I experienced this in my pre injury training. From what I remember it usually started around the same times as it does now at about 40 mins into a run. It happens quicker if I work harder in terms of pace or elevation. From what I've found it's caused by lack of bloodflow to nerves in the legs. I've tried all the standard looser shoes and socks stuff, stretching improves it temporarily but it'sa very brief respite + I have to stop mid run. My other options are calf stretches overall to loosen them up which will take time and just dealing with it. If none of that stuff actually helps it seems possible that it's just because of my muscles swelling and cutting off bloodflow. In this case I think I'd be fucked. I was hoping that at worst it would be something I'd have to deal with towards my upper limit of whatever distance I was used to running at the time. Time will tell.

Current continuation plan is Operator + Green. If I end up having to I'll switch to Fighter, but I really value my MS since experiencing it. I managed to swing Operator + Green before so I want to do that again. Additionally from what I've seen in the old AMA from a US SF member he said Operator + Green would have been great for those purposes as MS was very relevant in his continuation training. I feel like it'll do me better in the long run if I train for my job rather than only the requirements to get into it. On the other hand time will tell whether my body can handle Operator + Green + BJJ + SE finishers and core work or how long it takes to develop the work capacity.

Interestingly enough my weight has been increasing on a 2100cal diet. I expected this to be more of a maintenance number but my weight has gone from a 68.2 average in week 1 to 70.9 this week. Not currently planning to bulk aggressively like before but I would like to gain back some of the weight I lost. This weight gain may well be due to taking Creatine for the first time and thus just be water weight.

Probably going to try out ROMWOD. I haven't instantiated any specific stretching routine since starting BB and I feel the lack of mobility.

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Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:25 am

Re: aodh - Training Logs (critique encouraged)

Post by aodh »

Week 5:
Monday - Got through 3x50. Needed to take numerous breaks during the push ups. Goblet squats were not nice as usual. 3x9 pull ups were super solid. Sit ups were clean. KB swings were absolutely fine too. Started ROMWOD 2x a day. First session hurt as expected. Will see how I feel about it at the end of the week.

Tuesday - Run was more difficult than normal today. I guess I was feeling the 3x50 sets from Monday.

Wednesday - Triples were pretty damn solid. Was feeling really good. Went a bit harder than usual as a result. Knocked out 14 pull ups on my first AMRAP set. Progressing well.

Thursday - ROMWOD warrior day kicked my butt. The pain is real, reminding me of gymnastics stretching ages ago. Training was fine, looking forward to lifting again, planning to test 1RM stuff on Saturday before my run.

Friday - I got a foam roller this week (previously I just had a lacrosse ball) I started rolling the hell out of my calves every day as they're super tight. They both getting less tight and I have zero DOMS in either them or my thighs. ROMWOD + foam rolling seems to be great so far.

Saturday - Tested maxes in preparation for lifing next week. Bench (68kg), Squat (82kg), Deadlift (140kg)and WPU (30kg). Interestingly 140 was my max DL when I was at my heaviest though that may be due to the bench and squat maxes being calculated while the DL and WPU are my true 1RM or very close to. After that I did my 45 mins E. Felt the lifting impacting it a bit at the start but the second half was strong. Was feeling good, increased pace a tad, no parasthaesia at all. Got to 15 pull ups in my first set of amrap, progression is solid. If I continue at the current rate I wouldn't be surprised if I got to 20 non weighted pull ups when fresh. That's about where I was when I started training 1 arm pull ups long ago.

Overall thoughts on ROMWOD are very positive so far. I think adding some form of stretching back into my routine was a great move. That and foam rolling are doing wonders for my recovery, DOMS is a thing of the past for the moment.

Looking forward to week 6 and starting BJJ.

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