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Steve's Training Log

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:02 pm
by CelticFrost91
Perfect time to start a training log. Recently just got done doing an ITX out in 29. Because I was just finishing up week 9 in the Green Protocol (SE instead of MS the last few weeks) combined with the caloric deficit/no physical training during ITX, I'm a bit nervous to see where my numbers are at. Going to retest today, post my numbers and work from there.

Basically, the whole purpose of me doing the Green Protocol is to prep for Marine OCS. I was an active 03 from 11-15, got out, now I'm in the Reserves during my IRR time before I head off to OCS.

Goals: Prepare for Marine OCS, which should be sometime next summer if I get selected. Right now I want to shoot for a 300 PFT while keeping decent strength (today's test should give me an idea of where to shoot).

Numbers: Weight: last I weighed was at 175, I'm sure I lost weight from being in the desert but I'll update as soon as I find out.

Height: 5' 10"

Pullups: 22 3 mile: 20:25 sit ups: 115

For the "big 3" lifts I'll update after today's test, prior to ITX I was roughly here: Deadlift- 315 Bench- 230 Squat- 270

I'll be running Green Protocol for the 9 weeks, this week not counting just to slowly ease into the swing of things. The last time I ran Base Building was about 4-5 months ago, so I may run it again after this block.

I'm looking for some heavy criticism from you guys. If I'm heading in the wrong direction, I want to hear about it. I'm here to present what my training looks like and learn from those who have more experience/knowledge/wisdom than me. Tactical Barbell has taken me in a great direction so far, I'm just happy that I can learn more from this community. Thanks.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:11 pm
by CelticFrost91
Definitely one of those humbling days in the gym. Noticed a big drop in strength today, but I at least know where I am at and where I need to climb to. Decided to cut my test day in half due to the amount of time it took for me to get through squats and bench. My next day in the gym will be deadlift and overhead press.

Bench- 175x3 which puts my max at 185.

Notes: I was pretty disappointed to see my bench at where it is at. I'm sure I'll bounce quickly as I haven't benched in just over a month, which is the longest I have taken off from training in a very long time. Form felt shaky, as expected. Once I get back in the groove I expect that my strength will come back. But man did my ego take a hit on this one.

Squat- 235x3 max is at 249.

Notes: I honestly expected a bigger deficit. Squat has always been my weaker lift with bench being my strongest (at least it used to haha). Form felt pretty good, which again is surprising. My legs felt very fatigued afterwards but form didn't feel anywhere near as off as benching did.

Kept my 22 pullups, suck it 29 palms.

I also weighed in at 168, so I didn't loose as much weight as I thought. I look and feel smaller though. I wonder how accurate I was with my previous bench max as it doesn't make sense for it to drop that much. Strength numbers are a kick in the dick, but I really shouldn't be surprised since I've been away from the gym for so long and living in conditions that do not favor muscle/strength retention. Tomorrow I'll be doing a nice and easy LSS run, just a nice 40 min. to get me going.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 3:58 am
by CelticFrost91
LSS- 40 min. 4.7 miles

Day 2 during what I'm calling my "mini base building" week. Bad weather this morning had me going to the gym to run on the dreadmill. I hate that thing for multiple reasons, one of them being that I can't accurately gauge how my running is. I kept it easy and ran for 40 min. running about 4.7 miles. Slower than a normal LSS run but that's the whole point of this week. At about 20 min. onwards was mostly a mental fight against boredom than anything else.

Tomorrow is most likely more of the same shitty weather, which means another slog on the treadmill. I'm gonna keep it short again at 40 min. with a comfortable pace. Probably throw in pullups at the end as well as some planks or situps just to test where my core is at. Come day 4 I'll be testing deadlifts and OHP's.

Diet was good today, ate at a surplus and ate cooked/prepped meals. Protein was where it needs to be, something I need to watch after starving in the desert.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:14 pm
by CelticFrost91
I decided to give myself a recovery day yesterday to let my body rest up for the test day today.

Deadlift- 285x3 Making my max at 305 (using the same website linked in my first test day post). Deadlift felt fine, no surprise here. Max only dropped by 10 pounds.

Overhead Press- 115x3 Max at 125
My problem child. Form was a little off, as expected. Not much else to say about this lift.

So there I have it, my numbers for the Green Protocol/Fighter. I'll be running this 9 weeks starting next week. Here are the numbers:

Bench- 75%- 145 80%-155 90%- 170 max- 190

Squat- 190-200-225 max- 250

Deadlift- 230-245-270 max- 305

OHP- 95-100-110 max- 125

E sessions will either be LSS or fun runs. I might occasionally throw in a ruck here or there but I've never had problems humping weight, I think my focus would be best on getting my run time down.

HIC sessions, when they come, will be Fast 5's.

I'll worry about SE when they replace MS. I was tempted to do Bangkok to give me one day of SE but I think I should focus on running since OCS is basically a running haze fest.

Tommorrow I'll be doing another LSS run for about 40 min.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:46 am
by CelticFrost91
LSS 40 min. 4.4 miles

Weather was nice enough that I was able to run outside. Definitely felt the deadlifts from the previous day during the run. At about the 30 min. mark was when I started to really feel gassed and my pace slowed down. I was tempted to push into the "out of breath" pace because I was a bit pissed but I reminded myself of the training benefits that comes with keeping a slow pace during an LSS run (key word slow). I'm definitely not as fast as I was before ITX, but I have a decent amount of time to get quicker and drop my 3 mile.

Tomorrow is my fun run, I'm thinking of shooting for 50 min. I have drill this weekend as well and we'll be running a CFT, which means that will take an E session from next week and push my weight training sometime during the work week. I always like lifting on Sundays but sacrifices must be made.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 3:29 am
by CelticFrost91
Fun Run 50 min 5 miles

Felt good today and it felt great to do a fun run again. I did the basic Burpees x10/ squat/push-up x20 version. Got my heart rate going pretty good. I kept in mind to keep the pace a little slow but noticed that it was a bit faster than yesterday's run.

Next week starts week 1 and I get to kick it off with a CFT on Sunday. Looking forward to getting back into my groove.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:20 am
by Balaclava
Great log man, very consistent. Will be following along.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:08 am
by KShea
I'll be checking this out. You and I seem to be on exact opposite sides of the coin. You have MUCH better conditioning than I have. I seem to have stronger lifting numbers. It'll be fun to watch you grow.

Keep it going.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:47 pm
by CelticFrost91
Got some conditioning in during drill. Of course the CFT went on during my planned rest day, but I have no control over that. They actually made the course 20 yards longer because of faulty measurements. Luckily I waited until it was fixed haha.

880 sprint (in boots and uts)- 2:37
Ammo can lifts(30 lbs)-116 in 2 min
Movement under fire- 2:42

The movement under fire killed me, not awful but I expected a much better score. The next day we planned a run for our junior Marines. It kinda reminded me of my active duty days so it was kind of fun. Not sure on the distance of the run.
Everything done wearing your flak jacket (sapi check!)

First station- hold planks until your turn for pull-ups/until everyone is done
- 7 pull-ups with flak
- 5 slow Push ups whenever someone touched the ground during planks.

Second station- 10 Shoulder push ups
-10 Marine Corps count flutter kicks
-Hold 6 inches in flutter kick position, if someone drops 10 push ups

Third station- Sprints. Forgot the distance and how many times.
-Build a house when you aren't sprinting.

We're trying to make sure our Marines are PTing on their free time because there were a couple that nearly failed the CFT and failed height and weight. It's good seeing the reservists put effort into the platoon, this unit definitely goes against what I used to think of reservists.

Anyways, took my rest day yesterday and I'll be hitting the gym today.

Re: Steve's Training Log

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:19 am
by CelticFrost91
Green Week One Day 3

Bench 75% 145 5x5
Squat 190 5x5
Deadlift 235 1x5

Pull ups 20-13-12 one minute planks in between

Today was nice and easy. I'm sticking with 1x5 for deads because that usually works well for me. I might increase the volume but because I have been away for so long I'm going to wait until my body can handle that load. For pullups I'm using the recon ron pullup program. It worked great before. I did it three times a week because that gave me better results than the suggested every day. I figure that's because of all the other stress on put on my body. I simply pick where my max is, start a little lower (so I picked 20 instead of 23) and then progress weekly. Once I stall, I reset. Once SE comes around, obviously I just work with the prescribed reps from the TB book. This time I think I am going to add in one minute planks in between sets. We'll see how that goes. I'd like to get to 30 pullups but realistically see myself getting to 25. That being said, had to cut the pullups short by about two sets because of time. That means when I wake up in the morning I need to get my ass going.

Tommorrow is an E session. Just going to do a 50 min. LSS run. Looking forward to it.