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MCT Oil?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 1:07 am
by StayGrey
Any experience with this? I've heard good things in terms of energy, and maybe fat burning... Thinking of giving it a try.

Re: MCT Oil?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 7:48 pm
by spemma
i'll give my $0.02.

so when i hear MCT oil, i immediately think of Bulletproof Coffee and Dave Asprey, of which my views could be summarized best by Alan Aragon "There's only one thing as dumb as calling a 500 kcal cup of coffee with butter & MCT oil a fat-burning beverage: actually believing it."

as with most things, a moderate amount of healthy fat derived as a part of regular diet is probably your best bet. i would struggle to find reasons to supplement with additional healthy fat unless for a specific purpose, like if you were keto.

worth a read:

Re: MCT Oil?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 8:12 pm
by DocOctagon
I've noticed a little extra energy, especially when taken in the morning on an empty stomach. It's a shorter-chain fat which means your body can access it for energy a little more quickly than regular fats. Useful if you're on keto, and if you're not, it's a decent way to meet your fat requirements for a more conventional athletic diet.

MCTs have been around forever, originally very popular with the Bodybuilding crowd.
Don't confuse MCTs with coconut oil. MCTs can be derived from coconut oil, but coconut oil is mostly lauric acid which technically isn't MCT. MCT is caprylic acid. You won't get exactly the same effect with CO.