Protein tracking

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Protein tracking

Post by YohanBC »

Hi everyone, I got a question about the then tracking of protein. I remember reading in the mass protocol book that protein in "a slice of bread" should not be counted as there is maybe 3 or 4g of protein. I know it was only an example, but let's say u eat 150g of pasta and there is 15g of protein inside, should I count them in my total, even though they're not from traditional protein sources? It would honestly make life way easier.


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Re: Protein tracking

Post by VenomousCoffee »

I only count protein from meats, nuts, protein shakes, the usual sources. I'm in the 'only traditional sources count' camp.

I say this in the most bro-sciencey, 'I don't actually know the chemistry at all' way.

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Re: Protein tracking

Post by Liftrunwrite »

It really depends on the amino acid profile of the protein. Tbh I don't feel like typing out a full explanation of how that works because I'd have to refresh my own memory first, BUT my conclusion is I use myfitnesspal when I'm not deployed to track stuff so I just count everything. I don't see how you could gain any benefit from not tracking them. Your body is gonna use it in some way... digestion is a 99% efficient process.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises I must keep
And many miles to go before I sleep
And many miles to go before I sleep."

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