TB training goals for 2018

Walrus Freud
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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by Walrus Freud »

Barkadion wrote:You are steeling my thoughts! :lol:
I try my best to avoid having to think for myself ;)
"Some days you shine, most days you grind" (from a friend, who probably stole it from someone else :) )

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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by travman »

I've thought about this more than I should have.

1. Work on my PT, so hit 100 push-ups and 100 curl-ups in 2 minutes and work on that 1.5 mile run.

2. Be around 200-205 bodyweight.

3. Work on my 3 mile and 6 mile run times.

4. Get the 100 1 handed swings with my 24KG bell back

5. Hit 10 bodyweight pull-ups then finally start WPU.

Goal 1, I am currently in the mid 80s for push-ups and sit-ups so the goal of 100 is close. It is the 9:30 1.5 mile run time that I will be working on a majority of the year.

Goal 2, should be accomplished by the end of January. I am around 214 right now.

Goal 3, the short-term goal for the 3 mile run is sub 30, then hit 24mins. The 6 mile run is just a general goal of under 60 mins. I was super close when I ran my 10k in October, just over a minute. These goals will be achieved through a future Green protocol.

Goal 4, I have done 100 1 handed swings with my 24KG bell doing Simple and Sinister. I'll be doing the swings twice a week in my HICs or through Ageless Athlete's protocol.

Goal 5, I thought I would hit this by the end of 2017. I know there is still time, but I will have this done in 2018. Pull-ups if I don't work on them, they are gone in a flash.

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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by ectional »

Going to add another goal, which is to take part in Scoutsmarch 2018 in April. It's a 30km march to celebrate the creation of Scouts battalion. There are two competing classes. One is LEO or armed forces in uniform and with a rifle and a 10 kilogram rucksack. The other is whatever clothing you desire and no rifle, but then your ruck's weight has to be 15kg.
Last time I competed in the first and did 30km in 5h 11min. This time I'll probably go in the second just so I could wear sneakers instead of boots. I want to complete the track under 4h 30min.

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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by Dave1 »

Getting to 140kg squat would be a nice goal for the 2018 year and would very likely cross off a few other things in the process.

Lose the pregnant looking belly.

Do burpees without vomiting.

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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Consistency !

1. Run 5 blocks of Operator using the 3/1/3/1 method recommended in AA
2. Run an 8 week base build in the summer
3. To be able to do dragon flags
4. Maintain a healthy diet year round

Slow and steady all year and see where I end up lift wise

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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by nickgoldma »

Happy New Year, everyone!

I have given some thought to my TB goals and goals for overall health.

1. Improve my 1.5 time which is currently at a horrendous 22 minutes and 54 seconds. Obviously, running and conditioning more will play a huge role here, as well as diet to drop weight. At some point, I would like my 1.5 mile to be 12 minutes or under. That is a typical standard for a military, LEO, etc PFT.

2. Improve what I call the "Big Four" lifts: Bench, Squat, OHP, Deadlift. Specifically, I would like my Bench to hit 200lbs (currently 165lbs), Squat to get back to 220-225 range (currently 190lbs). For OHP, I want to work it to 135lbs (currently 120lbs) and for Deadlift 225 (Honestly, I don't know what my current max is for DL as its been awhile since I have last tested it).

3. Most importantly, fix my diet to aid numbers 1 and 2 and to drop weight. I haven't been the most disciplined and so therefore, I need to develop healthy eating habits in regards to portions, types of food, etc.

Secondary goals:

1. Continue my adventure in playing rugby. I certainly plan focus my training in helping me prepare for that and future career goals (law enforcement).

2. I really want to participate in a GoRuck Light event and maybe a GoRuck Tough Challenge.
Get after it!

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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by eXpo »

Ultimate Goal: To be fit enough to join the British Royal Marines

- Two part 3 mile run. First 1.5mile to be completed in 12mins 30 seconds. Second 1.5mile best effort to be completed in 10 minutes (Aiming for under 9mins) with 1min rest in between runs.
- 60 Pressups in 2 minutes
- 85 Situps in 2 minutes
- 16 Overhand Pullups

- 1.5 Mile: 9.39 (after 1.5 mile in 12mins)
- Pressups: 25
- Situps: 35
- Pullups: 3

I've realised I'm not (or never have been) very strong and this is an area I wish to improve in along with working towards my aims above. I think the added strength will help my potential SE as well as general resiliency etc. I currently weigh around 80kg and would like to achieve the following:

Strength Goals:
Bench: 80kg - Current: 65kgx3
Squat: 120kg - Current: 80kgx2
Deadlift: 160kg - Current: 105kgx3

Plan starting Jan 18:
- Run Base Building (strength first)
- Run 1-2 blocks of Operator + Black Professional (Running Operator will hopefully allow me to increase my strength quickly so I can use it as a base to build the required high levels of SE. Hope to use a fun run once a week to incorporate some SE during these blocks).
- Run Fighter + Green until I reach my goal :D

Apologies for the wall of text haha, get carried away sometimes! Happy New Year everyone!

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Re: TB training goals for 2018

Post by godjira1 »

Fitness Goals 2018... or in other words, be a reasonably fit 40 year old across multiple domains.

Strength 1RM, rep x weight
108kg for FSQT. 2 x 105kg
139kg for SQT. 2 x 135kg
160kg for deadlift. 2 x 155kg
103kg for bench press. 2 x 100kg
70kg for OHP. 2 x 67.5kg
Pullups & Chinups. 15 reps each

85kg for Power Clean 1 x 85kg
85kg for Push Press 1 x 85kg
Box Jump 112cm (44”)

2.4km sub 10 (14.4kph) 1:40 per lap
5km sub 22 (13.6kph) 1:45 per lap
10km sub 47 (12.8kph) 1:53 per lap

100 KB Swings in 5 mins
10 x LR TGU in 10 mins
with 32KG KB

Go for 1-2 BJJ, 1-2 NoGI (Total 3) sessions per week on average. Be smart and not get injured!

I am not far off the mark in some of these items, but going to take some creative programming to hit all of them. At the end of the day, I reckon I would be happy if I hit a decent percentage of the above, and came close on the rest. Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff.

And all the best for 2018 for everyone here! Get after it!!!
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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