Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

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Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by Hellequin »

I was just writing down some nice SE-Clusters for my base building phase (starting tomorrow).
Now I thought about previous trainings when I used programs of Dan John.

Dan John has some nice ideas about complexes. I think we can use those movements for our SE-Clusters.

That's what I am going to do (at home I have to go KB&Bodyweight only),

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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by Barkadion »

There is a lot of variations for that... Push-pull-legs-core circuit wouldn't betray you :lol: ... _clusters/ ... _clusters/
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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Get yourself a sturdy backpack and you’ve got a lot of extra options. I mostly use a rucksack for my SE work and it works well.

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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by godjira1 »

the good old crossfit Cindy or Chelsea can be scaled. It is the base SE template that I use whenever I want to squeeze in a session.

You need a EMOM timer (there are lots of free ones on Appstore etc) and pullup bar.
5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats. Can be scaled according to your ability in terms of reps/progression. Can do it with a ruck if you are badass.

Up to 30... though I think with the rx-ed version it's hard to get there.
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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by Hellequin »

All good ideas in here!

I started today with 3x20 Push-Press/Back-Squat/Floor Press/BB-Rows/Shrugs/Romanian DLs - all with a 30kg Barbell (20kg +5 per side) -> this was pretty hard. Don't know how to manage and survive the 3x50 week :shock: - will need a lot of breaks...

@godjira1: I think this will be an option for the continuation phase. But for my base building I am going to stay with those SE sessions mentioned in the book.

I am going for OP/Black - but there are no SE sessions in the book? only 2-4 HIC sessions and 1 E session every 2 weeks (switch SE with LSS every week?). How are you doing this?

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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by WallBilly »

If you haven't done SE before, the first day of 3x20 is a real eye-opener! Wait until next Monday when you have to do 3x30, which I find to be the second-hardest workout (besides 3x50), because it comes so early in the program and you'e not used to it.

I am currently in week 2 of BB for the 4th time. I do it once year, every year about this time, after hockey season is over. I really look forward to it, especially the LSS running. In a sick way, I also look forward to the SE torture, which is a nice break from heavy sets. But it is torture. :shock:

You can take a lot of breaks, and don't be afraid to drop the weights. KB says 15-30% of 1RM. If you are towards the 30% end, it may be tough. It may not be wise to leave the same plates on the bar for all the movements. Your 1RM on deads is going to be far higher than on push press, for example. You could take the plates off for the push press and even the floor press. Some years I even look for a lighter bar for the OHP, like those small "barbell" sets on racks at most gyms that are pre-loaded with small plates and come in sizes below 20 kg.

Hell, when you get to 3x50, bodyweight squats are a a killer!

I did my 3x30 this morning, and by the last set, I was hunched over the bar as I put it back on the bench, out of breath, sweating like a pig and an HR around 140 bpm. Good times, good times . . . .

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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by Hellequin »

WallBilly wrote: You can take a lot of breaks, and don't be afraid to drop the weights. KB says 15-30% of 1RM. If you are towards the 30% end, it may be tough. It may not be wise to leave the same plates on the bar for all the movements. Your 1RM on deads is going to be far higher than on push press, for example. You could take the plates off for the push press and even the floor press. Some years I even look for a lighter bar for the OHP, like those small "barbell" sets on racks at most gyms that are pre-loaded with small plates and come in sizes below 20 kg.
I never thought about taking different weights for different exercises. I like the thought of one barbell or one kettlebell to do everything. I think it's okey to do DLs with too less weight. In the book something is written like "if in doubt go lighter...". There were times I did a lot of those complexes from Dan John and I also loved to have one barbell for everything. One barbell to rule them all.

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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by grouchyjarhead »

The more you hit a certain rep range with SE (say with Alpha), the more improvement you will see. The first time might be really rough. As you revisit it, you'll see improvement. The first time I would hit a high rep set, I'd struggle to get through it. The second time, I'd hit maybe two sets before I had to take a rest. By the third or fourth session, I was burning through it.

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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by Hellequin »

grouchyjarhead wrote:The more you hit a certain rep range with SE (say with Alpha), the more improvement you will see. The first time might be really rough. As you revisit it, you'll see improvement. The first time I would hit a high rep set, I'd struggle to get through it. The second time, I'd hit maybe two sets before I had to take a rest. By the third or fourth session, I was burning through it.
I hope my body is going to adapt! Doing the Base Building Template as written, it's going go up from week to week. Maybe I am going to reduce the weight in the weeks going to come.

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Re: Ideas for SE-Circuits/Clusters

Post by Ncolicci »

I’m on week 5 of B.B. I’ve been using goblet sq/ push-up/ sit-up se cluster TB style followed by simple and sinister (5-10x10 kb swings & 5x1 Turkish getups) and pavels pull up program. It’s worked well for me. I think the tgu’s really helped my shoulders.

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