Hypertrophy with Operator I/A

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Hypertrophy with Operator I/A

Post by Capt1Doug »

Hey Everyone,

Need some advice. 48 y/o firefighter, and karate/jiu-jitsu/muay thai enthusiast. I have been using program for awhile now, and have switched from Fighter, to Operator I/A after really digesting JMadd's book. I have a small issue with the template. When I do the 3-10 set, Five rep ratio, no matter my rest period, I always get hypertrophy in legs when I squat, beyond the normal "pump." To the point, its interfering with my karate/muay thai training. I am not looking for bodybuilding at all, but the functional strength we all are after. Here is my question, do you see a problem dropping the reps to 3, and extending sets to 4-5, instead for 3x5? Should I anticipate less hypertrophy, but still good strength adaptation? Thanks all for a little insight here and hope I'm not the only one that has experienced this. Considering maybe running Fighter Bangkok as an alternate.

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Re: Hypertrophy with Operator I/A

Post by jzt »

Capt1Doug wrote:Hey Everyone,

Need some advice. 48 y/o firefighter, and karate/jiu-jitsu/muay thai enthusiast. I have been using program for awhile now, and have switched from Fighter, to Operator I/A after really digesting JMadd's book. I have a small issue with the template. When I do the 3-10 set, Five rep ratio, no matter my rest period, I always get hypertrophy in legs when I squat, beyond the normal "pump." To the point, its interfering with my karate/muay thai training. I am not looking for bodybuilding at all, but the functional strength we all are after. Here is my question, do you see a problem dropping the reps to 3, and extending sets to 4-5, instead for 3x5? Should I anticipate less hypertrophy, but still good strength adaptation? Thanks all for a little insight here and hope I'm not the only one that has experienced this. Considering maybe running Fighter Bangkok as an alternate.
Unless you have complete twigs for legs, I highly doubt you can ''overdo'' hypertrophy. You simply don't add inches to your legs by accident, it takes years, good dieting, and a lot of rest. 3x5 or 5x3 will not be a deciding factor on your legs growing to a point where ''it interferes with martial arts''. I would be curious to know your current stats and a picture of your legs.

Are you sure you're not mixing hypertrophy and DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)?

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Re: Hypertrophy with Operator I/A

Post by Maxrip13 »

Capt1Doug wrote:Hey Everyone,

Need some advice. 48 y/o firefighter, and karate/jiu-jitsu/muay thai enthusiast. I have been using program for awhile now, and have switched from Fighter, to Operator I/A after really digesting JMadd's book. I have a small issue with the template. When I do the 3-10 set, Five rep ratio, no matter my rest period, I always get hypertrophy in legs when I squat, beyond the normal "pump." To the point, its interfering with my karate/muay thai training. I am not looking for bodybuilding at all, but the functional strength we all are after. Here is my question, do you see a problem dropping the reps to 3, and extending sets to 4-5, instead for 3x5? Should I anticipate less hypertrophy, but still good strength adaptation? Thanks all for a little insight here and hope I'm not the only one that has experienced this. Considering maybe running Fighter Bangkok as an alternate.
I typically don't go over 3x5 for my squat even whilst on OP I/A. I will add in extra sets of upper body exercises when it suits me.
15 reps total for my squat keeps hypertrophy in check, but is enough to increase strength for me personally. It's also easier to recover for BJJ and other sport practice.

I usually do my OP I/A cluster in a circuit to maximize rest periods. It basically means I get 4-6 mins of rest between sets of squats.
I will do 3 rounds involving the squat and then do another circuit or two with whatever my other exercises are.

Hopefully the above makes sense. i am a bit low on sleep from work.

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Re: Hypertrophy with Operator I/A

Post by K.B. »

Capt1Doug wrote:Hey Everyone,

Need some advice. 48 y/o firefighter, and karate/jiu-jitsu/muay thai enthusiast. I have been using program for awhile now, and have switched from Fighter, to Operator I/A after really digesting JMadd's book. I have a small issue with the template. When I do the 3-10 set, Five rep ratio, no matter my rest period, I always get hypertrophy in legs when I squat, beyond the normal "pump." To the point, its interfering with my karate/muay thai training. I am not looking for bodybuilding at all, but the functional strength we all are after. Here is my question, do you see a problem dropping the reps to 3, and extending sets to 4-5, instead for 3x5? Should I anticipate less hypertrophy, but still good strength adaptation? Thanks all for a little insight here and hope I'm not the only one that has experienced this. Considering maybe running Fighter Bangkok as an alternate.
Cap, Sets of 3 is fine - or just do one work set per session/along with your warm-up sets. Another angle of attack is to include regular LSS running.

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Re: Hypertrophy with Operator I/A

Post by Capt1Doug »

Thanks so much for the good advice. Much appreciated!

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