New TB Article

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New TB Article

Post by Sorntel »

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Re: New TB Article

Post by TBPenguin »

Very cool idea!

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Re: New TB Article

Post by Barkadion »

Thank you for the link! I'd missed that otherwise! Outstanding!

And looks like perfect place for the AD ride/dips!
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Re: New TB Article

Post by DocOctagon »

Brilliant... A work capacity session consisting of two foundation domains.

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Re: New TB Article

Post by J-Madd »

Great article, and this cracked me up: "you don’t get a medal for looking like a Crossfitter."

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Re: New TB Article

Post by Barkadion »

Here is heretical thought..

What is you run SQ/BP/WPU cluster and doing MS Fobbits with 1-3 reps of DL (70% of TM)?
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Re: New TB Article

Post by Corax »

Great article, opens up a lot of possibilities! I won't try this in my current block, but I'd love to hear feedback from forum members doing this.

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Re: New TB Article

Post by BlackPyjamas »

Just finished this with GTG pull-ups (3-5 per set). Fantastic. I can't get pull-ups in on my Fun-Runs, so this helps with the weekly PU volume big time. Next week I'll try it with OHP or push-press.

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Re: New TB Article

Post by Maxrip13 »

Pullups would be my exercise of choice or muscle ups if I could do them haha. I also would like to do them with wrestling drills or pad holding at the end, though I think that might be a little bit of a different idea. I hate treadmills with a passion though> i may have to pick up a cheap rower or airdyne in the future.

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Re: New TB Article

Post by Green2Blue »

I've done something similar for E when I could run due to weather. I did an EMOM with DB snatches and jumping jacks. Running is better, but it worked.

This did give me an idea for Fobbit though. I just got myself a tractor tire for flipping. Flipping + jump rope here I come!

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