Unbalanced barbell loading

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Unbalanced barbell loading

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

Has anyone tried this?

I understand that the first order of business should be getting stronger, but is there any benefit to this, or is this just an accident waiting to happen?

I've done uneven loaded carries, and even uneven presses before, but the feeling is completely different from an unevenly loaded barbell. I once loaded a barbell for a warm-up set with 15kgs on one side and 12.5kg on the other. I could barely unrack without feeling one side was just waiting to pull the other side up.

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Re: Unbalanced barbell loading

Post by Green2Blue »

I'd stick with the first order.

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Re: Unbalanced barbell loading

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Low risk, high reward is where I would go. I would just stick with conventional squats.

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