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Post by Conor78 »

I have just picked up TB version 3 on the kindle and read through it one. Like most things I will probably need to re-read again although I have tested my BP,SQ so I have an idea of my 1RM. I was thinking of using the Fighter template with BP, SQ,DL and W Chin up. The goal is lean out and improve S and C. In terms of the other days should I use the SE workouts or opt for HIIT type workouts along with LSS on weekend. I have used KB and Double KB routines before so I would like to keep these in. Was thinking of doing Fighter workouts on a Tuesday and Friday and then working in the other elements around this.

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by Tyr0331 »

That is going to be determined by which conditioning protocol you use. Are you base building?

If you are just using the fighter strength template then I would say just work around your strength days with one day of complete rest.

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by Saracen »

Have you read TB2? That's the conditioning/cardio book. SE isn't really a pure conditioning session, it doesn't fall into the HIIT category.

The only way you can use SE with your set-up is to use the Bangkok version of Fighter template. So you'd be doing two days of lifting and one day of progressive SE circuits per week.

I highly recommend reading TB2, it's the other half of the system, the conditioning/cardio book.

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by Conor78 »

No haven't read TB2 or TB1. I just picked up TB 3 as I thought it was simply an updated version of the previous editions. I bought it on a recommendation from a friend as I like the flexibility of the program. I think I will run Fighter Bangkok program in conjunction with Ross Enamit infinite intensity..TB3 is a great book

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by Green2Blue »

TB2 answers these questions :)

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by Tyr0331 »

Conor78 wrote:No haven't read TB2 or TB1. I just picked up TB 3 as I thought it was simply an updated version of the previous editions. I bought it on a recommendation from a friend as I like the flexibility of the program. I think I will run Fighter Bangkok program in conjunction with Ross Enamit infinite intensity..TB3 is a great book
Which one is TB3? My understanding was TB1(strength) TB2(conditioning) then a LE one. Sounds like you have the strength book. But just like everyone else said when you read TB2 it puts it all together to make a great program

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by Kinetic »

Tyr0331 wrote:
Conor78 wrote:No haven't read TB2 or TB1. I just picked up TB 3 as I thought it was simply an updated version of the previous editions. I bought it on a recommendation from a friend as I like the flexibility of the program. I think I will run Fighter Bangkok program in conjunction with Ross Enamit infinite intensity..TB3 is a great book
Which one is TB3? My understanding was TB1(strength) TB2(conditioning) then a LE one. Sounds like you have the strength book. But just like everyone else said when you read TB2 it puts it all together to make a great program
You are correct....he's mistakenly calling the 3rd edition TB3.

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by grumpy4669 »

Conor, I just read your initial post, so I apologize for the late response and question. I have also been running fighter (SQ, BP, PU), and initially tried Bangkok, but did not feel like I was getting the response I wanted (lean out and gain strength). For the past 9 weeks, I've ran fighter as written above, but have also been training for a half marathon, so my schedule has looked like this:

M- Fighter
Tu-Run 3-5 miles, followed by KB metcon (usually AMRAP in 15-20 min front half of TGU, 3 swings, 3 snatches, 3 presses, 3 front squats, back back half of TGU with 35lb kb)
F-Same as Tu except kb metcon is Dan John's armor building (AMRAP in 15 min 2 kb cleans, 1 press, 3 front squats with 53lb kb)
Sa-LSS from 60-120 min (built up by 10 min every week up to 120 two weeks before race)

I'll be the first to admit if you were wanting to place and not just finish a half, you'd want a more specialized program, but I didn't want the race training to be my life. I finished in 2 hrs and 14 min (beat my wife who runs marathons and halfs all the time-all that mattered to me!). My point is that I've gotten a much better response leaning out and getting stronger on this program then I did following Bangkok, so just because the program wasn't written in one the books doesn't mean you can't follow something you like doing. KB used to have a great article on how two people incorporated kettlebells with TB, but he pulled all the old articles down for some unknown reason, and one of the people he talked about that used fighter followed something similar to what I described above. I find there are a few folks on here that are diehard TB followers that will only do what KB has written as if it were gospel, and lose sight that his program is a generic protocol that you can plug and play what you want ino it. I'm curious if you are still doing Bangkok or if you've decided to incorporate KB metcons into your program instead?

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by Conor78 »

Hi Grumpy
To be honest I fell off the TB wagon at the end of 2016 as I decided that I want to get my SFG in October. I have been working with an SFG coach since Jan and I basically dropped TB protocols as he's really dialling in my technique and I'm following his programme as written. Im nearly afraid to read TB again as I don't want to get tempted to plug in some of the protocols..

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Re: SE vs HIIT

Post by grumpy4669 »

Conor, yeah I've started working with Pat Flynn, wanted to stay on TB protocol though, so now I'm doing a minimalist operator (BP and SQ), but then he's got me finishing up with roughly 30 min of various KB workouts. I'm really happy what I'm doing now, only working out 3 days a week was quite an adjustment though, but my elbows and knees sure love it! Good luck on the SFG cert, if you get a chance, look up and sign up to get Pat's 101 KB workouts. You and I seem to have the same love of KBs, so I think you will like his workouts!

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