TB Law Enforcement

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TB Law Enforcement

Post by nathan.smetzer »

Hello All,

First post here, looking for a bit of insight. The TB Law Enforcement has a healthy amount of general strength work which is obviously good, but I am feeling like my strength is enough for now and maybe should focus on more endurance. My squat is around 450, deads at 515, and bench at 350, what lags is the pullups at a measly 10 (but I weight about 240 at 5' 6" short).

My question would be, should I stay the course and just follow the program or should I go to the base building program in the TB Conditioning book? Or maybe their would be another method to incorporate strength endurance into the TB Law Enforcement instead of general strength?

Thanks for the help!

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by fazer681 »

TB2 (conditioning) actually has a sample 17 week LE Protocol, near the end of the book.

want might to take a peek at that.

I dont have the LE TB book, so im not sure if it may have the same info or not.

anyways, the 17 week sample LE protocol gives you a "do-this" plan, that spells out every single thing you should do.
It includes 8 weeks of BB and 9 weeks of Black, which you can keep following indefinitely.

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by nathan.smetzer »

Awesome!!! I totally must have just missed all that. I will check that out!

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by BlackPyjamas »

nathan.smetzer wrote:Hello All,

First post here, looking for a bit of insight. The TB Law Enforcement has a healthy amount of general strength work which is obviously good, but I am feeling like my strength is enough for now and maybe should focus on more endurance. My squat is around 450, deads at 515, and bench at 350, what lags is the pullups at a measly 10 (but I weight about 240 at 5' 6" short).

My question would be, should I stay the course and just follow the program or should I go to the base building program in the TB Conditioning book? Or maybe their would be another method to incorporate strength endurance into the TB Law Enforcement instead of general strength?

Thanks for the help!

Nathan, welcome aboard!

The TB law enforcement book (PPLE) isn't really a year-round training plan imo. It's a PFT-Prep guide for a temporary and narrow objective.

To give us a better idea of what your training objectives are, why don't you list these traits in order of priority:

General (Cardiovascular) Endurance
HIC or HIIT (Anaerobic output)

Goes without saying your objectives can change from time to time, so for now let's go for the short term goal, the current goal in your sites.

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by nathan.smetzer »

Order of priority would be
1. Running / Cardiovascular Endurance
2. Strength Endurance
3. HIC or HIIT
4. Max Strength

I am good with the TB LE conditioning plan but was thinking maybe if I move to the TB Conditioning Base Building it would prove more effective for my current goals. I used to run a 3 mile in 20:30 but now am hard pressed to complete 20 minutes of sustained running. I went from the Marines to Strongman so the athletic type I am will be tough to change back to the tactical style. I thought of simply doing the SE Alpha and Beta in continuous 6 week cycles until I am satisfied. I don't know if that will be a good plan or not.

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by BlackPyjamas »

nathan.smetzer wrote:Order of priority would be
1. Running / Cardiovascular Endurance
2. Strength Endurance
3. HIC or HIIT
4. Max Strength

I am good with the TB LE conditioning plan but was thinking maybe if I move to the TB Conditioning Base Building it would prove more effective for my current goals. I used to run a 3 mile in 20:30 but now am hard pressed to complete 20 minutes of sustained running. I went from the Marines to Strongman so the athletic type I am will be tough to change back to the tactical style. I thought of simply doing the SE Alpha and Beta in continuous 6 week cycles until I am satisfied. I don't know if that will be a good plan or not.

Awesome, you obviously already have a solid background with both strength and operational fitness which is going to make things a lot easier.

If you've never run Base, that's always the best place to start especially with your priorities and how you describe your current running capabilities. Bear in mind Base is only an introductory step, kinda like Basic. Don't get caught up into thinking it's a complete program in and of itself. After you get Base out of the way you could run something like this for Continuation:

Operator + Black for 3 weeks (to ground your maximal-strength/keep the tank "topped up". You'll want this after BAse Building)
followed by
SE Only x 3 Weeks (Green for cardio)
SE Only x 3 weeks (Green for cardio)
Repeat (back to Op/Black for 3 weeks)

I wouldn't leave the barbells/max-strength work out for more than 6 weeks at a time. Read the information in the TB books about the relationship between max-strength and muscular-endurance. In my experience it holds true big time.

Progress the SE from the first block to the second, sounds like that was your initial thought anyway. You can do this by going from Alpha to Bravo or use a mix of barbells/KB/Body-weight/weighted exercise. After the first 3 week block add 5-10lbs to everything and do another 3 weeks. An example of this, I read one TB poster runs a SE block with an empty bar (barbell complex style) and then runs a 2nd block immediately after with 5-10lbs added to the empty bar. No need to stick to just one type of exercise either of course.

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by nathan.smetzer »

The problem here is that I like the LE running plan because I have to limit my exposure to running until I can lose some significant weight otherwise I will quickly develop shin splints and hip pain issues. My conditioning develops much quicker than my weight loss can keep up which sort of sucks. I may just go ahead and plug in Alpha and Bravo into the LE Base Building for a few cycles. The book mentions repeating the base building cycle until about 12 weeks out from the academy where you switch to the sport-specific program. I guess I can do what you mention while using the LE program, 6 weeks on SE and then 6 weeks on MS while keeping the conditioning the same since thats about all I can handle at the moment.

I appreciate the help talking through this, sometimes my own head gets in the way.

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by TangoZero »

nathan.smetzer wrote:The problem here is that I like the LE running plan because I have to limit my exposure to running until I can lose some significant weight otherwise I will quickly develop shin splints and hip pain issues. My conditioning develops much quicker than my weight loss can keep up which sort of sucks.
Do you use a heartrate monitor? The beauty of Base is that the runs are slow enough that they feel more like a cool-down jog or easy shuffle. It's very easy to go too fast without that monitor, as other posters here will tell you.

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Re: TB Law Enforcement

Post by nathan.smetzer »

I do have one but need to replace the batteries. I know what u mean about going too fast, the Marine wants to push too hard and its tough to keep myself reigned in.

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