Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

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Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

Post by nathan.smetzer »

Good Morning to Everyone!

So to begin, I personally have somewhat gotten bored of the whole barbell strength training thing and this program is the first time in a while where I have actually broke out my barbell to strength train. I wanted to follow the program to a 'T' but am finding the same boredom creeping in, and the same issues with an overly sore and stiff lower back despite ensuring a very good squatting form, in addition I seem to already be developing some sort of shoulder issue with the bench. I spent a few years as a Strongman competitor and probably have developed some problems that I have either ignored or are just surfacing now. Either way, I do have a bit of arthritis in my back and figure it may be time to just completely hang-up the barbell and focus on calisthenics.

I guess the real question is, will this be a viable option with the TB Law Enforcement program, and what would everyone suggest I should follow for a calisthenics strength program? I am aware that the program does add in calisthenics training in the second portion (the sport-specific program), but I wanted to use calisthenics in the base-building portion or in the max strength days as well. Looking forward to seeing what sort of answers I get here, hoping that we avoid the obvious smart-ass comments and just get to the helpful answers.

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Re: Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

Post by Green2Blue »

The title of the program is Tactical Barbell. If you're looking to ditch the barbell you might want to just find another program.

If you're trying to get into LE, although some here disagree, I wholeheartedly believe strength is king is LE. And in developing strength, the barbell is king.

You're already a very strong dude, so you're better off than others that don't have that base of strength. And calisthenics will make you stronger than if you did nothing. But I just personally think exclusive calisthenics is vastly inferior for most LEO's.

Instead of throwing in the towel maybe try other strategies? Add more mobility/care work, and other recovery strategies. Instead of squats do SSB, box squats, hex/frame deads, etc. For bench add a Slingshot, or do dips or OHP. And let's be honest, at 5'6" 240 you could probably use to drop some weight, which would likely help.

And actually now that I've typed this whole thing out I just thought of what you should really do. The Old Warhorse Template. You sound like a perfect candidate.

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Re: Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

Post by Aelian »

nathan.smetzer wrote:Good Morning to Everyone!

So to begin, I personally have somewhat gotten bored of the whole barbell strength training thing and this program is the first time in a while where I have actually broke out my barbell to strength train. I wanted to follow the program to a 'T' but am finding the same boredom creeping in, and the same issues with an overly sore and stiff lower back despite ensuring a very good squatting form, in addition I seem to already be developing some sort of shoulder issue with the bench. I spent a few years as a Strongman competitor and probably have developed some problems that I have either ignored or are just surfacing now. Either way, I do have a bit of arthritis in my back and figure it may be time to just completely hang-up the barbell and focus on calisthenics.

I guess the real question is, will this be a viable option with the TB Law Enforcement program, and what would everyone suggest I should follow for a calisthenics strength program? I am aware that the program does add in calisthenics training in the second portion (the sport-specific program), but I wanted to use calisthenics in the base-building portion or in the max strength days as well. Looking forward to seeing what sort of answers I get here, hoping that we avoid the obvious smart-ass comments and just get to the helpful answers.
Is calisthenics a viable option for what? For maximal-strength to replace barbells? I'm going to assume you've read TB1, if so what follows should sound familiar. You should know that certain things have to be in place to increase maximal-strength. The ability to load with high enough intensity (70-95%rm) plus the ability to incrementally progress from week to week or session to session. Whether you meet these requirements doing the iron cross off a pair of gymnastic rings or pressing a barbell, your body doesn't give a fuck where the intensity/progression comes from. It can't tell the difference.

A barbell is obviously easier to load and incrementally progress.
Can you use calisthenics? Sure, but you'll have to get creative. Use weight vest, use high tension exercises like OAPs or pull-ups, and do your best to figure out how to incrementally progress and load between the 70-95% parameters.

Which modality is going to get the average person stronger faster in the least complicated way? Barbells. Not because they're inherently better than calisthenics, but because they're a more efficient tool to meet the requirements of progressive limit-strength training, as outlined in TB.

If you want to use calisthenics for the max-strength portions of the program, then TB1 describes how you can do this. If you can meet the requirements (high intensity loading plus ability to incrementally progress) then you're good to go. You can use the total reps method (% of total reps) or use a weight vest and do traditional 1rm calculations.

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Re: Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

Post by BlackPyjamas »

I agree with G2B and Aelian. Nothing really comes close to the ease and effectiveness of barbells for max strength. Keep in mind you can change the cluster up, do something else instead of the bench press if it bothers you. A mix of bodyweight and barbells work well too, as long as you adhere to the principles of progression. You mentioned the law enforcement book, have you read TB1&2?

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Re: Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

Post by nathan.smetzer »

I will have to read through TB1 and see what it says about using Calisthenics. I am aware that barbells are obviously more efficient in incremental loading, but less efficient if you don't own equipment or cannot afford a gym. Most can afford a pull-up bar or maybe some boxes (or just some cinderblock).

Now, I want to cite a few things I have read in the past in regards to calisthenics. One is from Convict Conditioning (I know I know, the whole story is probably BS but it's a solid program regardless), and the other is from Building the Gymnastic Body. I will get the less believable one out of the way; where Paul Wade claims to enter a weightlifting contest (I think powerlifting?) and places 3rd (not real sure that's true). The other one, more believable, is where one of the gymnasts from the BtGB book tries deadlifting for the first time and pulls 400lbs (at a BW of 150lbs). The lesson here I guess is that progressive calisthenics seems to have a big carry-over to weight training, but the inverse is less true.

As far as weight-loss, I am already down 20ish pounds and working on my next 10lbs (with a goal of getting down to about 185lbs, which will obviously take time). I get I need to lose weight, and anything cardio or calisthenics related will be 100% more difficult with this extra poundage, where barbell work will be easier because of the added leverage, so losing weight isn't an issue when Bench is concerned.

I have been doing some Yoga for the past few weeks that focuses on post-running and also others that are good for post-workouts, I am hoping these routines will provide some help. I do a pretty extensive warm-up that I get from Stew Smith that really helps prior to running, I suggest everyone to check it out.

The working out of this issue is helpful. I get too dug into my own head at times it helps to work these problems out with others. I appreciate anymore insight or angles of logic that I haven't considered. So far the comments have certainly leaned me further towards calisthenics; yet, in the meantime I will likely change to overhead press to finish out this 4 week cycle.

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Re: Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

Post by BlackPyjamas »

nathan.smetzer wrote:I will have to read through TB1 and see what it says about using Calisthenics. I am aware that barbells are obviously more efficient in incremental loading, but less efficient if you don't own equipment or cannot afford a gym. Most can afford a pull-up bar or maybe some boxes (or just some cinderblock).

Now, I want to cite a few things I have read in the past in regards to calisthenics. One is from Convict Conditioning (I know I know, the whole story is probably BS but it's a solid program regardless), and the other is from Building the Gymnastic Body. I will get the less believable one out of the way; where Paul Wade claims to enter a weightlifting contest (I think powerlifting?) and places 3rd (not real sure that's true). The other one, more believable, is where one of the gymnasts from the BtGB book tries deadlifting for the first time and pulls 400lbs (at a BW of 150lbs). The lesson here I guess is that progressive calisthenics seems to have a big carry-over to weight training, but the inverse is less true.

As far as weight-loss, I am already down 20ish pounds and working on my next 10lbs (with a goal of getting down to about 185lbs, which will obviously take time). I get I need to lose weight, and anything cardio or calisthenics related will be 100% more difficult with this extra poundage, where barbell work will be easier because of the added leverage, so losing weight isn't an issue when Bench is concerned.

I have been doing some Yoga for the past few weeks that focuses on post-running and also others that are good for post-workouts, I am hoping these routines will provide some help. I do a pretty extensive warm-up that I get from Stew Smith that really helps prior to running, I suggest everyone to check it out.

The working out of this issue is helpful. I get too dug into my own head at times it helps to work these problems out with others. I appreciate anymore insight or angles of logic that I haven't considered. So far the comments have certainly leaned me further towards calisthenics; yet, in the meantime I will likely change to overhead press to finish out this 4 week cycle.
What are your current lift#s? What's your goal, what are you training toward?

If you're already strong enough for your goal (which I'm guessing is LE based on your post), then there won't be any harm in running SE-Only blocks/calisthenics for a while.

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Re: Calisthenics Instead of Barbells

Post by J-Madd »

nathan.smetzer wrote:
Green2Blue wrote:And let's be honest, at 5'6" 240 you could probably use to drop some weight, which would likely help.

And actually now that I've typed this whole thing out I just thought of what you should really do. The Old Warhorse Template. You sound like a perfect candidate.
I'm with G2B here (which is usually the side you want to be on!): Do a good base build (not "Strength First" -- go five weeks of SE (I'd just use calisthenics and KB swings) and E emphasis), and then come back with a very patient execution of the Old Warhorse Template from AA.

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