Tactical Strength

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Tactical Strength

Post by Conor78 »

I was training to complete an SFG in October but have decided not to and I'm going to enter the TSC
In October instead. Has anyone used a TB template to prep for a TSC?

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Re: Tactical Strength

Post by Maxrip13 »

They have plenty of good stuff available on strongfirst. To be honest though considering winning it isn't gold at the olympics you can do whatever.

I was thinking of doing one for some fun if I can find someone running one here in melbourne, aus. If I was going to I would just simply it right down and use the tested exercises in a cluster for OP I/A.


Deadlift 3 reps building to a Tr Max single
Weighted Pullups using required weight and adding reps.
Snatches for 5-10 min alternate weight and focus each week.

You could also alternate swings with the snatches to give yourself a break and mix things up.

I have been tossing up using this cluster recently and just doing my HIC, E and other sports as usual. You can do much worse than the exercises above. Just do a good full body all round warmup with some pushups/dips included and you would be good to go. You could also include some pushing work in your HIC or E.

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Re: Tactical Strength

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Hmm, interesting to think about. I'd say something like Operator set up the following.

Deadlift - 1 work set, since you'll be training 3x a week.
Weighted Pull-Ups - Progress as normally.
One Arm Snatch - Test how many snatches you can do in five minutes (let's say 100). Use that as a percentage (so do 70 reps), but work on doing it faster each time. Use that same percentage to figure out how quickly you need to do it (e.g. finish those 70 reps before 3:10).

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Re: Tactical Strength

Post by Conor78 »

Thanks guys

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