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Re: Jiu Jitsu as conditioning? How much is too much with other HIC/GC sessions?

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:31 pm
by J-Madd
Tyr0331 wrote:I'm in the same situation with BJJ. I try to hit 2-3 practices a week minimum, that's where I feel that I am still on par and not overtraining. I would think that you can stack a conditioning day in with BJJ even a strength day(strength first) as long as the sessions are six hours apart. The six hour rule is out of Matt Wenning's tactical fitness manual.
I have similarly found that an Operator (SQ/BP/WPU) session in the morning followed the same day by a BJJ session in the evening works really well for me. What does the rest of your training week look like in addition to 2-3 BJJ? I can manage 1-2 rolls each week with Operator, but if I went to three I would probably do well to cut down to Fighter. That might be an old guy thing. ;)

Re: Jiu Jitsu as conditioning? How much is too much with other HIC/GC sessions?

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 4:11 pm
by Tyr0331
I think that sounds about right. Strength and BJJ are the priorities in my week. I always hit the three days strength even if it means having a two a day with BJJ or skipping one practice. If I feel really good one week I can hit all three strength three BJJ and I'll alternate between a long run or a work cap if I have an extra day to fit in there. I listen to my body more than anything. If I'm on mids getting an average of four hours of sleep per day, I feel like shit but have more time on my hands. Just a few factors I have to consider on a weekly basis. I'm in a job that kind of forces me hike so usually I can get that conditioning on duty anyways. Overtraining is my main concern and I know when I'm in that category when my libido goes away.

Re: Jiu Jitsu as conditioning? How much is too much with other HIC/GC sessions?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:51 pm
by WallBilly
Im6-7 wrote:
MuftiMike wrote:
If you have an off-season/on-season would you not be able to work that to your advantage? What I'm thinking is, you could spend your off season running Base followed by Black until your season starts. Then coast a little bit, focus more on playing the game and cutting back on HICS/E drastically.

This is what immediately came to mind when I read your post Wallbilly. I'm from Canada (hockey's kind of a big deal here :) & one of my buddies runs TB with an off-season/hockey season plan very similar to what Mufti's outlined. Not 100% certain, but I believe he does Base followed by Black off-season, then drops to Fighter and a HIC or two when the season starts. He definitely counts practice as conditioning.
Guys, thanks for the good advice.

Fighter "in-season" is a position that I may end up in. The reason I am not starting there is that my season is 6.5 months long, and so if I go with Fighter, I'm only lifting twice a week for half my year.

I managed hockey + Operator last season. (Part of the season was hockey + zulu.) I did not add the conditioning aspect of TB until April. We'll see how it goes.

Re: Jiu Jitsu as conditioning? How much is too much with other HIC/GC sessions?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:24 am
by WallBilly
Actually it's even worse than that. If I run fighter for a 6.5 month season, then run base building for 8 weeks, and maybe take a week or 2 off . . . I'm Max strength lifting 3x/week for only 3 months a year.

Re: Jiu Jitsu as conditioning? How much is too much with other HIC/GC sessions?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:10 pm
by WallBilly
Sorry for resurrecting a very old thread, but this is a follow-up with my season experience.

To make a long story short, I play ice hockey goalie 2-3x/week from October through mid-April, and before this season I had a great 6 month experience with BB followed by Op/Black and we were discussing what I would be able to do "in season".

Well, the season ends next week, so I can tell you now.

I was, for the most part, able to get in 2-3 75 minute goaltending games and 3 Op workouts the entire season. 75% of the weeks I only had hockey twice. So that's 3 MS and 2 GC a week, not too shabby for an old fart.

But that was it. I had no energy left to get in any HIC or E. Note that I turned 55 last week, so age may be a factor here.

Goaltending is definitely a GC that can be a ferocious workout, but it is neither intense enough to be HIC nor steady enough to be E. I guess I'd call it "MIC for 75 minutes".

So it's back to base building then Black/Op, and we'll see how much I lost.

Next season, maybe I should drop down to Fighter with an HIC per week and an E every other week.