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Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 3:39 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Mike Prevost wrote: I agree with those above who mentioned Dan John and Andrew Read. Anything those two put out, I am reading.

Mike Prevost
Absolutely. Andrew Read has some fabulous content, indeed I regularly check in on his blog, and often revisit older posts of his too.

Took a quick look at your blog..... I really liked the following sentence you used in one of your posts..... 'Exercise for fitness and weight loss is achieved with nutrition'.... the metcon post was a good read...... looks like I have another blog to visit every now and again. 8-)

It was quite impressive reading one of the posts from the future too [April 11 2018 was the date]. :D

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:38 pm
by lennarn
Very nice blog Mike. I'll be returning to read more when it's not the middle of the night over here...

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:13 am
by Blackmetalbunny
I didn't really want to chime in initially because I think there are many good authors out there, and they deserve more exposure over the chafe in the industry - like the Shortcut Trainers.

Nonetheless, I think there are several which definitely merit some consideration for their attempts to bring some grounded and tested theory to the table:

Greg Nuckols
Eric Helms
Brad Schoenfeld
Andy Morgan
Dr Mike Isratel
Chad Smith
Chad Waterbury

Dan John and Andrew Read are thrown around quite a bit too - but what isn't mentioned is that they are actually still active on forums - I know they still directly reply to queries and posts. That level of attention to their connection to their reader base is uncommon. I think Dan John really takes the cake not only in programming, but training philosophy as well - if you're obsessed and stressed out about your training and nutrition, Dan's will really screw your head back on tight.

Also mentioned a number of times - Pavel - not the least for his influence on introducing kettlebells to the world, but also for his work on flexibility, GTG, and for bringing back strength training to a world that was tilting too much to mass training.

Al and Danny Kavadlo - for their bodyweight work, I know it doesn't seem like a big deal when you're lifting really heavy, but if you can only move weights around your body, but not your body around an obstacle, I'd say that's neglecting a critical aspect of your development strength.

Greg Everett - if you're into weightlifting and explosive work, his books are good in simplifying what looks complex and complicated.

Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky and Dr. Mel Siff - their classic Supertraining is one of those books. You know, the classics - the one everyone says they want to read, should read and will read, but few will actually get around to reading. I know their research are highly influential on much of what and how we train today.

Tom Venuto - yes, yes bodybuilding nutrition, I know, lots of eyes-rolling all over the place. That said, his books are always well received when people talk about nutrition

Also... Lyle McDonald - I really hate this man for his dry writing which also force me to reconsider my own dirty eating habits, but he knows his stuff. Even if you don't subscribe to the majority of his ideas, or buy any of his books, his free material alone will make a massive change to your diet protocol for the better.

Kelly Starrett - His books are dry, but his methods work like a charm. I think Supple Leopard is your ultimate correction manual for mobility problems.

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:17 am
by triple
So many great authors out there! It seems to all be over my head.

I'm a beginner to strength training, so aside from KB I can really appreciate Rippetoe for explaining proper form of Barbell exercises in detail in 'starting strength'.

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:02 pm
by Mike Prevost
Ha, yes, the post from the future! Dating a post in the future is one way to keep it at the top of your blog for a while. It is the only way I could figure out how to do it.

With regards to Andrew Read, he has a great book out on strength training for runners, called Run Strong. Well worth reading if you are a runner.

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:13 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Mike Prevost wrote:Ha, yes, the post from the future! Dating a post in the future is one way to keep it at the top of your blog for a while. It is the only way I could figure out how to do it.

With regards to Andrew Read, he has a great book out on strength training for runners, called Run Strong. Well worth reading if you are a runner.
It is indeed... purchased it when it first came out the other year..... helped change my thinking on aerobic training for sure.

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:41 pm
by xfitxm
Not really author for reading but videos.

This Instagram account is a goldmine for correcting posture and technique on squat :

Also I like Omar Isuf's YouTube channel. More bodybuilding oriented but interesting for good technique and nutrition. Also he is a funny guy that don't take it too seriously

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:08 am
by TBPenguin
I don't find fitness books entertaining for the most part. Some authors try to be entertaining but mostly they fail IMO. What I really appreciate are clarity and consistency in thought (whether I agree or disagree is secondary). This is where I think KB is really up there. Plus his material has a high level of utility (for me).

There are actually quite a number of members here who I think worthy of reading, even if they aren't fitness authors. Again it is clarity and consistency in thought, plus some utility (to me). But there seem to be more of them here than at most boards I've visited over the years.

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:17 am
by Decado
TBPenguin wrote:What I really appreciate are clarity and consistency in thought (whether I agree or disagree is secondary).
Man this really nails it for me.

Re: Who are your favorite fitness authors?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:19 am
by Im6-7
More for the principles he espouses vs the actual programming templates. He revolutionized the concept of weight training for strength vs bodybuilding for me back in the day.

Ross Enamait
I find reading his material good for the soul. Helps curb the pity parties when it comes to things like age and self-imposed limits. Plus, Magic 50 lol.

Joel Jamieson
Read this after picking it out of the TB recommended reading page. Really, really good book if you want to dive deep into the body's energy systems. Probably the gold standard for putting together a fight camp or coaching a combat athlete. Very theory heavy.

Overcoming Gravity's Steve Low
The best book on the subject I've come across. Blows Convict Conditioning out of the water imho. It's a very dense book though. Some simplification and editing to make it easier on the eyes would make it even better.