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Re: Continuation phase: opinions on which route to go

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:25 am
by Maxrip13
Tyr0331 wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:
Tyr0331 wrote:
Depends on the week. When I'm home and have a decent work schedule I roll 3-4x/week. Starting to tap into mma as well so have that standup sparring to work in now. I usually consider my BJJ as HIC. I'll stay with fighter bangkok for now. Thanks for the help
I find grappling the most taxing in terms of recovery. The stand up aspect doesn't really cause me any recovery issues outside of bruised up legs. If you start wrestling heavily be prepared to not want to hit the gym more than twice with fighter. I would consider bjj more LSS than HIC (with the way I roll). If I am wrestling that is definitely HIC. I would at most do a light jog a couple days a week or a quick 10 min finisher after my fighter sessions for extra conditioning. If you get into MMA it will drain you in a good way and unless you need the extra conditioning for work, why bother when you could just focus on the sport.
I have obligations to stay in shape for work. Being strong and able to carry heavy loads over rough terrain is my priority. BJJ is important to me but unfortunately can't take priority until I'm retired. The way things go when I travel is I usually only have access to a gym with nowhere to train or anyone to roll with so usually I bump everything up in that situation so when I get home I can focus on BJJ more and not feel guilty for putting some of the gym based work second for a bit
Sweet that makes more sense. I am in a similar situation so BJJ has taken a back seat. My recommendation would be to limit BJJ to 2-3 session and use it as your conditioning. You can follow Fighter Bangkok like others are saying and throw in some brief(10-20min) interval run based conditioning after your fighter sessions and keep it short and hard(200-400m intervals or low round Apex). Throw in a pack march every week or second week depending on recovery. The running intervals will maintain some run conditioning and the stomp is a nice way to get in some aerobic?load bearing work.
For example:

Fighter + intervals (400m repeats)
Fighter+intervals (Apex 5 rounds)
SE BJJ/Striking
Pack March and or BJJ

Adjust to your schedule and recovery abilities. It's not perfect, but if you take recovery and nutrition seriously, you can have your cake and eat it to(with BJJ).