As an academy fitness instructor, I think this advice is golden. I'll admit that I haven't read PPLE though.Aelian wrote:
If I were you, I'd do something like this:
1. Base Building (TBII) x 8 weeks
Run (on the ground, not treadmill) for all your Es. Include your PFT exercises in the SE cluster. Don't bike, and don't do triples and all that. Stick to running. Your goals are different from that of a recreational trainee. Do the occasional fun-run with bodyweight exercises.
2. Black Professional + Fighter Bangkok (TBI & II)
Include the typical academy exercises on your SE day (push-ups, chins, sit-ups and the rest). Include weighted pull-ups in your Fighter cluster. So you'll be getting both WPU and bodyweight pull-ups every week. For your HICs, stick to the boring-but-effective stuff; 5k tempo run, hill sprints, and at least one long run every week (45-60 mins) for your weekly E session.
I'm not familiar enough with PPLE, but the above would be my recommendation instead.
It's up to you to figure out how to make it work with the department training. It all depends on what they do. Was their training like a more HIC, SE, or E? Then substitute as such.