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Re: After 40 club

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:36 pm
by Barkadion
TBPenguin wrote:Bark, yes, that's why I wrote those things. Was there something additional you would like me to comment on?
Just want to make sure it worth buying, mate:) I'm on it.

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:30 pm
by TBPenguin
Bark, I was not passing judgment on whether they are worth buying. We can probably all get some ideas from them. If you look at them with an idea of looking for snippets about what works when you get older then they might be worth your time and money. I like reading so for me they were OK, the Physique one a more pleasant read since the Powerlifting book went on for pages on techniques for the powerlifts.

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:09 am
by Barkadion
TBPenguin wrote:Bark, I was not passing judgment on whether they are worth buying. We can probably all get some ideas from them. If you look at them with an idea of looking for snippets about what works when you get older then they might be worth your time and money. I like reading so for me they were OK, the Physique one a more pleasant read since the Powerlifting book went on for pages on techniques for the powerlifts.
No worries. I am constantly reading anyway. Quite often, books like that just repeating common sense. That's why I get sarcastic :D

It's good to know that you find it useful. Makes me want to read it.

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:27 pm
by Enforcer25
Hi everyone, 48 years old, just started TB, like the program so far, I would say I'm a novice. Put my short story in the training log. Just wanted to say Hi.

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:36 pm
by Barkadion
Enforcer25 wrote:Hi everyone, 48 years old, just started TB, like the program so far, I would say I'm a novice. Put my short story in the training log. Just wanted to say Hi.
Hi mate! Good luck with your TB journey!

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:16 pm
by Barkadion
I am stealing this line from recent J-Madd's comment in the reddit. Short and sweet.

"OP I/A with conservative training max, but pushing the volume. If you want a long range plan, use OWT from Ageless Athlete."

I am convinced now that 80% TM is way to go for AA folks.

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:41 pm
by Barkadion
I wouldn't want to have this 90 y.o. grandpa as my enemy...

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:48 pm
by Barkadion
70 Years old man Deadlift 370 lbs for 7 reps/ no excuses.

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:29 pm
by Barkadion
Good points from Ross who is 41 now:

"I don’t have any secret yoga techniques to share. I’ve never once used a foam roller. I don’t follow any particular diet. And I’m not a bionic man. What I am though is consistent. Consistency has always been my greatest attribute. I don’t miss days." ... st-weapon/

Re: After 40 club

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:53 pm
by Conor78
Turning 40 in April. I would be interested in this thread. My strength levels are all good but I have dropped Aerobic and conditioning work for most of 2017. I have a feeling that these components plus mobility/soft practice will become important in the coming years.