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Re: Trap Bar DL (HH) vs Conventional Deadlift

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:53 pm
by jzt
wcu25rs wrote:
jzt wrote:
wcu25rs wrote:was doing some extra reading on TBDL's and found this t-nation article. I knew most of what it was talking about, but what really surprised me is the info under "More Power". Anyway, some of what I read in my browsing of different information, I'm totally on board with making the TBDL the mainstay for me instead of Conventional. At 36, Ive reached that point where I'm favoring lower risk for injury and longevity over maximal strength. My last block of Op with the TrapBar was with the low handles. This next block, I'm gonna switch to high handles and see how it goes.
I prefer the high handles when using the TBDL. I also do conv deadlifts in waves, but the whole point of the TBDL is to be slightly more upright. I have found low handle TBDL to be more strenous on my lower back than a conventional deadlift.

High handle TBDL > Low handle TBDL

when i first experimented with the TBDL i didnt like high handle at all. To me, low handle felt more like a conventional DL, but with less stress on the low back. However, after reading that article, I'm gonna give high handle a full block and see how it goes.
That's highly possible. The thing with exercise science, is that it highlights trends. Someone could do Conv deadlifts 5x per week for 30 years and not have any issues, while someone else could do them once and fuck their back up for life. Same goes with volume, intensity, other exercise selection, cardio, diet, etc. You just gotta find what works for you.

Re: Trap Bar DL (HH) vs Conventional Deadlift

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:14 pm
by 03rockeater

Watching this was enough for me to at least decide I would do Trap Bar DL over conventional DL.