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Re: What were your starting numbers?

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:02 pm
by lennarn
I'll test them when I'm done with the block. I started the year with 12 weeks of operator, but in the summer I moved to another city and didn't train for a while. Then I trained at home with kettlebells for a GAP of 6 weeks and I'm currently on a hypertrophy cycle. KB has been coaching me over email since February so we're trying to find a balance between my fuzzy goals and his insights. :)
I am definitely ready to be more focused next year, but as always I don't know exactly where I'm going. I have an endurance race (10k ocr) in the fall that I'd like to do well at, as well as the power lifts.

Regarding my squat I started with FSQ onto a box at parallel. I graduated to deep FSQ at the end of 12 week OP. I did KB goblet squats for motor patterning in the GAP period and before the current cycle I tested deep BSQ which would earlier lock up my hamstring in painful cramping. The weight for all my barbell squats has stayed about the same, but form has improved (I can now do back squats) and I have gained a lot of muscle mass in my legs.
In the deadlift, I posted a video in the infancy of the subreddit, and got some great form critique. Basically my lower back leaked all my strength and I hypothesized that it was due to my poor hip hinge/hamstring flexibility/posterior pelvic tilt. This is why I've been working RDL the rest of the year, to strengthen the hinge mechanic, my hamstrings, and get some loaded stretching. I can now touch the floor in front of my toes while hinging the hip where I couldn't really get the bar to mid shin when I started out. Looking back on this year it has been a lot of groundwork to make ready for future strength progress.