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Re: Paralysis by Analysis (AKA, what should I do?)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:47 am
by triple
Blackmetalbunny wrote: Whatever KB says goes
He’s the one with the tactical experience, I’m just a desk jockey who thinks that a multi-dimensional athlete makes more sense than a strong dude who can’t walk a few blocks without gassing out.
Don’t mind my views too much. I’m only here to straighten some confusion and commonly asked questions based on what I understand about the principles and philosophy of TB from the books. However; if what I say contradicts what KB says, then...
I wouldn't sell yourself short, you are clearly on point with your advice for the right part of the TB audience.

Love the mindset as well
Blackmetalbunny wrote: Make up your own mind about what you want and then go for it. Regardless of what the forum might say, if it works for you, then it works.
I think you especially struck a chord when talking about the frustrations when dealing with uninformed newcomers
Blackmetalbunny wrote: Spoon-feeding people
I think that most people have no problems:
  • Answering questions from a newbie
  • Answering questions that aren’t obvious
  • Sharing experience
  • Critiquing a template
  • Explaining from personal experience the basis behind TB principles
  • Answering a question about a variant or different approach to the TB principles
… so long as people have made an effort.

However; asking a question that was clearly addressed in a book and / or has been addressed in the forums, just goes to show that the asker either didn’t read the book, or didn’t make an effort to even search either the forums or Reddit, and that’s why I wrote this.
I'm in a similar position in a completely different field: I know how frustrating it can be to deal with newcomers that are barely prepared and are asking trivial questions all the time. It makes you think: 'If you just would learn the principles somewhat and develop some kind of BS detector, you'll never have to ask such a naive question ever again!'. In this field it is not okay to blindly apply a good program, which complicates things even more.

Can you imagine the questions asked daily on the forums of newbie programs like starting strength or the general /r/fitness subreddit?

Being in the newbie role this time is a humbling and interesting experience.