LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Tym87 »

That's good that you get to take the test again, still unfortunate that it happend that way. What will you be adding to future training? Fun runs for your HIC/SE/E or something different?

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

Tym87 wrote:That's good that you get to take the test again, still unfortunate that it happend that way. What will you be adding to future training? Fun runs for your HIC/SE/E or something different?
I'm really not certain at this point. I liked the running progression I was doing. I would say though that I believe my SE deteriorated at 3x40 at 2 days per week. In my gut, I think I have to do a few things: 1) do some form of SE the same days as my runs, or 2) run the practice PFT weekly, or 3) run sprints + tempo runs in the same day, or some combo of all of them.

I'm open to any and all suggestions.

My E has to get better, no doubt about it. But I do believe the separation of my E days from SE left me under prepared. I can bang out a solid sprint, or a decent 1.5 mile time, but put those two in the same day + some SE, and it's a different story.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by DocOctagon »

Too bad, better luck next time.

I think one thing you need to keep in mind is that you never actually ran a proper (complete) Base Building. Any adjusting you're considering doing going forward, you're doing based off a hybrid/mishmash of TB you crammed into a very brief period of time before the test.

Occam's Razor. The 1.5 is primarily aerobic. Your 1.5 bombed. Base Building is the premier tool for building a strong aerobic foundation. You didn't do BB due to your time restraint. Do Base Building next time. Sometimes its that simple.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by DocOctagon »

TangoZero wrote:
Another tip, practice doing your events back to back with little rest (5-10 minutes). Your numbers are going to be different when you're fatigued on test day.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

DocOctagon wrote:Too bad, better luck next time.

I think one thing you need to keep in mind is that you never actually ran a proper (complete) Base Building. Any adjusting you're considering doing going forward, you're doing based off a hybrid/mishmash of TB you crammed into a very brief period of time before the test.

Occam's Razor. The 1.5 is primarily aerobic. Your 1.5 bombed. Base Building is the premier tool for building a strong aerobic foundation. You didn't do BB due to your time restraint. Do Base Building next time. Sometimes its that simple.
I hear you for sure and embarked on BB with the intent of doing a full BB. I'm stuck in the same predicament though. I'll probably be asked to take the test in another 45-60 days, so I don't feel comfortable running a BB block as prep.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

DocOctagon wrote:
TangoZero wrote:
Another tip, practice doing your events back to back with little rest (5-10 minutes). Your numbers are going to be different when you're fatigued on test day.
I did run 2 PFTs over the course and implemented the rest periods.

Doc, with all due respect, are you just trying to knock me down here, or help me out? I would certainly appreciate the latter as you are obviously a respected forum member here, but it feels like the former.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Tym87 »

spemma wrote:
Tym87 wrote:That's good that you get to take the test again, still unfortunate that it happend that way. What will you be adding to future training? Fun runs for your HIC/SE/E or something different?
I'm really not certain at this point. I liked the running progression I was doing. I would say though that I believe my SE deteriorated at 3x40 at 2 days per week. In my gut, I think I have to do a few things: 1) do some form of SE the same days as my runs, or 2) run the practice PFT weekly, or 3) run sprints + tempo runs in the same day, or some combo of all of them.

I'm open to any and all suggestions.

My E has to get better, no doubt about it. But I do believe the separation of my E days from SE left me under prepared. I can bang out a solid sprint, or a decent 1.5 mile time, but put those two in the same day + some SE, and it's a different story.
Honestly you nailed the sprint so doing a 45-60 days basebuilding block would be in order. You could do normal Base building with an extra 20-30 min E after your SE sessions.
Basebuilding is the time where more LSS runs are acceptable. I would think something like a 30 min E after your SE sessions wouldn't be too detrimental if done at the lower end of your heart rates. Aerobic is the way to go My .02.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by DocOctagon »

spemma wrote:
DocOctagon wrote:
TangoZero wrote:
Another tip, practice doing your events back to back with little rest (5-10 minutes). Your numbers are going to be different when you're fatigued on test day.
I did run 2 PFTs over the course and implemented the rest periods.

Doc, with all due respect, are you just trying to knock me down here, or help me out? I would certainly appreciate the latter as you are obviously a respected forum member here, but it feels like the former.
You asked for advice no? It's plain as day (based on your test) your aerobic system is weak. Base Building is the medicine for a weak aerobic system. Yet this is the part of the program you want to skip? Am I in bizarro world here?

It's coming across to me that you're not open to advice, more like you want posters to give you the answer you're looking for. Either that or you haven't read TB2 or don't understand the concept of Base Building.

You have multiple military/LE members in this thread alone extolling the benefits of Base for PFT. I've added my two cents. Good luck with whatever you decide on. Out.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

DocOctagon wrote:
spemma wrote:
DocOctagon wrote:
I did run 2 PFTs over the course and implemented the rest periods.

Doc, with all due respect, are you just trying to knock me down here, or help me out? I would certainly appreciate the latter as you are obviously a respected forum member here, but it feels like the former.
You asked for advice no? It's plain as day (based on your test) your aerobic system is weak. Base Building is the medicine for a weak aerobic system. Yet this is the part of the program you want to skip? Am I in bizarro world here?

It's coming across to me that you're not open to advice, more like you want posters to give you the answer you're looking for. Either that or you haven't read TB2 or don't understand the concept of Base Building.

You have multiple military/LE members in this thread alone extolling the benefits of Base for PFT. I've added my two cents. Good luck with whatever you decide on. Out.
I came on here looking for advice at the onset and still am now. I came here 2 weeks into BB and planning to continue it, but other members here suggested a different route, which I followed exactly as specified. I didn't change anything, I didn't skip days, and I didn't skimp on effort. So I struggle with your comment that I'm not open to advice. On the contrary, I'm doing exactly what internet strangers are telling me to do.

I would gladly run a full BB block, but I gave further details that I would likely be doing another PFT in 30-60 days, pretty much the time frame I had before. Now under similar circumstances with regards to time frame, why would the advice now be to run BB when it wasn't before? If you told me to run BB on pages 1, 2, 3 and that was the consensus, I would've continued to run BB! If that's the consensus now, I'll do it.

My commentary on your, what I perceive to be negativity, is based on your need to dig up an older post about rest times. What's the point other than to throw it in my face? How is that helpful? Tell me your intention wasn't negative and I'll gladly believe you.

When I started out in BJJ over 12 years ago, before Sensei YouTube and the explosion of free techniques on the web, we used to go to seminars with the Brazilian greats and some people would ask questions like "how do you get out of a sunk triangle choke". The Brazilian superstar would respond with "don't get in there in the first place". And we'd all kinda laugh a little, slightly uncomfortable at the non-response but deferring to the wisdom of the great one. That always bothered me. Why not just give an answer to the question? People need your help and come to you asking because they respect your advice and are looking for help. Why not help? Why not say, hey, the best way to not get triangled is to have good posture, keep both arms in, but if you do get trapped, here's my favorite escape.

I'm new to this community, but I've been part of others of a similar nature. They can be valuable resources, specifically because of expert users who choose to participate and share.

I'll get off my soapbox...

Peace and love

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by fazer681 »

Hey Spemma, I wouldnt take anything personal. you did what you could with the time and advice you were given, and things didnt necessarily workout for you. Thats what it is. Thats all it is.

Instead of playing the blame game, or focusing on whether or not people are trying to knock you down or whatever, I would put that effort into planning your next move.

My advice? like some one above mentioned: Start BB, and get as far into it as you can before your next test. Doesnt matter if you finish by test day or not. It can only do you good. Im not saying you will pass your run portion with flying colors, but hopefully it will help. if you have the 60 days, then thats exactly the amount of time you need to complete your BB block, so the sooner you get started the better. If you only get 30 days, well.....you're 30 days further to completing BB than you would have been.

In all honesty, what you attempted to do with only a few weeks before your test, was to "specialize"....and unfortunately, you just didnt have enough time to do it. Ontop of that, there was no foundation to build off of.

So take this opportunity to start building the foundation, so that the next time around, you can successfully "specialize" and pass whatever PFT you got coming up.

in the end....all of this is just advice...you can do whatever the F@#% you wanna do 8-)

good luck on the next test!

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