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Muscle imbalance

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:11 pm
by cws1992
Wasn't sure if this was the place to post this but I recently noticed some muscular imbalance, my right side Lat and bicep is larger than the left. I've been running Operator with Bench, weighted chins, Deadlift and Squat for 6 months. I'm assuming it's because I'm stronger on my right side and I'm using that to overcompensate my left side. I've also used a switch grip on deadlift with my right side overhand and left underhand.

Has anyone had success fixing a muscular imbalance? Any tips?

Re: Muscle imbalance

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:38 pm
by Maxrip13
Your stronger side will always be a little larger. That is normal.

You can include some unilateral work in your warmup if it is causing you issues with pain or similar.

You should also switch up your grip with deadlifts occasionally as that can lead to minor imbalance issues.I don't use the alternate grip on lighter sets, but when it gets heavier I usually swap each set and use my better side for my max effort attempts.

Overall don't stress unless it is causing pain or issues with performance.

Re: Muscle imbalance

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:46 pm
by cws1992
Maxrip13 wrote:Your stronger side will always be a little larger. That is normal.

You can include some unilateral work in your warmup if it is causing you issues with pain or similar.

You should also switch up your grip with deadlifts occasionally as that can lead to minor imbalance issues.I don't use the alternate grip on lighter sets, but when it gets heavier I usually swap each set and use my better side for my max effort attempts.

Overall don't stress unless it is causing pain or issues with performance.
It doesn't cause any pain at all its more of a mental thing. I know it's common but wondering if there were anyways to reduce it. I'm sure I'm the only one who notices.

Re: Muscle imbalance

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:03 pm
by Barkadion
I’ve had muscle atrophy due to the injury in the past. Still have some imbalance. My PT’s advice at the time was to stick with regular bilateral compounds and address any unilateral work with SE and mobility drills. I followed that. I’d suggest you do the same.

As for mental component.. remember that mirror is just reflecting our mind:)

Just my 2c.

Re: Muscle imbalance

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:20 pm
by Svenjolly
Have you considered running a block or two of Operator with unilaterals? One arm dumbbell bench press, one arm pull-downs or rows, like that? Should straighten things out if there's a significant imbalance, otherwise it's probably nothing to worry about. One arm DB Bench is a fantastic exercise for sorting something like that out, or getting a measure of how much of an imbalance there really is.