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Guidance please

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:23 pm
by Gerryatric
I am 47 years old out of shape and about 7 kg overweight , I am medically fit to start exercising but I haven't trained since the end of October last year . This is mainly down to a bout of depression thankfully I am on the appropriate medication and want to get myself fit again
My training goals are twofold firstly I will be returning to operational police duties ,secondly I want to be able to return to doing a couple of Krav Maya classes a week
My thinking being the first six weeks should be spent on SE and LSS 3 times a week each as a sort of pre base building , then a base build with a stamina focus
Long term I want to use Operator with Black Professional for conditioning , the fitter I am the easier it will be to chase and fight with hooligans less than half my age :)

Re: Guidance please

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:08 pm
by Maxrip13
I am really glad to hear that things are going well for you and you are moving forward.
It is always good to return to work and previous training to help with this also.
Medication paired with fitness and hobbies is definitely the way to go over just taking meds.

It sounds like you have a a plan in place and I am not too sure what you are asking?

I will say this though, if returning to Krav Maga is a goal don't put it off. If your plan is to get fit and go back then don't worry.
The training there will get you fit and you get to return to something you enjoy. It will be hard, but you will adjust pretty quick.

It sounds like you want to do a base build, but are a bit worried about your fitness level. I wouldn't do a pre base build followed by another base build. I would just do an extended one. Do an 8 week base build and taking the first 3 weeks to really ease into it. Then use the last 5 weeks to progress to a more traditional base build before switching to black. It's similar, but shorter in time.

The first 3 weeks might just be walking or a walk/run depending on current fitness. Instead of chasing numbers on the body weight exercises take three weeks to practice and get used to training again. This is all dependent on your current and previous fitness.
The last 5 weeks you can follow a more traditional base build based off the exercises chosen over your 3 week start period.

That should have you prepared to go into black after a week off and some testing. Start light and just enjoy the training. Give it a few months and you will be surprised how fast things come back.

Just a couple of options and what I would consider doing in your position. Hopefully it gives you some ideas or confirms the plan you were already putting in place.

Re: Guidance please

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:53 pm
by Gerryatric
Thanks mate I was basically looking to confirm that I was heading in the right direction , given the knowledge base here I reckoned that if my plan needed tweaking there was no better place to come .

Re: Guidance please

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:51 pm
by Maxrip13
Gerryatric wrote:Thanks mate I was basically looking to confirm that I was heading in the right direction , given the knowledge base here I reckoned that if my plan needed tweaking there was no better place to come .

You can never go wrong with a base build into OP I/A and Black :D
Just make sure you get back to Krav Maga ASAP if that is one of your goals.

Depending on the intensity just sub it in for your HIC/E sessions and just get in a run or conditioning session every now and then.

I have had some good success recently with a minimal Zulu I/A, BJJ 1-3 x a week and 1-2 longer 30+ min fun run interval type sessions.

If you spar regularly at Krav you probably don't need to tick that HIC box often and would be better served with a longer E type session.

Otherwise MS and martial arts would have you fitter than 90% of the people you come in contact with through work haha.