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Programing Operator I/A or Operator

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 8:35 am
by Hellequin
Being in the second week of BB I am going ahead to plan my Operator or Operator I/A program for the next phase.

Short facts: 33yo, LEO (shifts..), family father (responsibilities...), martial artist, recovering from a knee surgery (not doing sprints atm)

I am now not sure if I should go for Operator or the Operator I/A template.
I have 2 fix days I always can go to the gym: Monday & Friday - on Wednesday I can go to the gym 2 of 3 times. The third time we go to the gym in our campus but we only have 1 barbell and 1 rack. So there are days I will not be able to hit the gym on those Wednesdays.


What I am thinking I could do (Operator I/A):

Cluster: Squat/Bench/WPU/DL (DL in week 1 and 3 on Fridays)

Week 1: Mon/Wed/Fri 75%/75%75% - normal HIC the whole week
Week 2: Mon/Fri 80%/80% (doing more sets, 6-7?) - Wed: doing a SE Circuit, more KB-Swings or additional HIC (having a lot of kettlebells, dumbbels, stationary bikes, rowers, etc.) - harder HIC the whole week
Week 3: Mon/Wed/Fri 85%/85%/90% - easy HIC the whole week - doing E at the weekend

This would lead to a training block of 3 weeks but only 8 trainings instead of 9 - I always have the option of doing a 9th training session IF the rack isn't occupied in week 2. The conditioning would be something like med/hard/easy.

I could do the same with Operator, leaving 1 training away if necessary. But I am not sure, if this would be a good plan.

After the strength session I am going to do my swings and farmers walk als written in the 'ageless athlete'. Love to do swings, love to do getups, love to do farmers walks!


As I wrote above I am recovering from a knee surgery. I had a 'nice' run last week and since then I am again in pain. So my conditioning during BB is mainly AIRDYNE and stationary bike until my knee gets better (planning those things with my doctor and my physical therapist).

I am going with the Black protocol.
I do my martial arts training every Tuesday. I am going to count it as HIC, due to making a lot of hard intervals and sparring like things.
There are evenings I have to stay at home with my kids (my wife also has her plans). I have kettlebells at home and there is a hill in front of our house. So, the second HIC will be one with kettlebells and bodyweight movements at home or as soon as I recovered with hillsprints or apex in front of our house. In week 3 I an going to do my third HIC or a SE-session at the campus if there is no possibility for my strength program.

1x HIC on Tuesdays (martial arts)
1x HIC on Saturday or Sunday
1x HIC OR SE on Wednesdays of week 2
1x E on Saturdays or Sundays of week 3

Option: Doing a HIC session right after one of the strength-trainings. There are days I would have enough time to do this. With the option to have an additional day off at the weekend, this could be a nice solution.

Overall Conclusion:
Monday: Strength
Tuesday: Martial arts = HIC
Wednesday: Strength or HIC/SE
Thursday: rest/recovery
Friday: Strength
Saturday: HIC or E
Sunday: rest/recovery

There are weeks we have special commitments on the job - there are very busy weeks with my family and there is life going on. So this week would be the perfect week. I am aware of the fact that not every week works like this.

My question now is, if I can get enough volume in my strength-program if I will have weeks with only 2 training sessions. Is it a good idea to do some SE Circuits instead? How is the overall programing so far?

Thank you!

Re: Programing Operator I/A or Operator

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 1:10 pm
by WallBilly
My personal opinion is, you are very active, and missing 1 workout every 3 weeks isn't going to kill you.

If you're that worried about it, you could add some volume (do a few more sets) on Monday and Friday of the "light" week.

Re: Programing Operator I/A or Operator

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 6:17 pm
by Hellequin
WallBilly wrote: If you're that worried about it, you could add some volume (do a few more sets) on Monday and Friday of the "light" week.
I think that is what I am going to do!