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Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:04 pm
by mvguitar
Hi Everyone, I see posts/articles that reference using 3 week cycles in TB. The TB templates I see in the book are all 6 week so I'm confused about what people are doing for 3-week cycles.

I've been using TB for awhile and one thing that's confused me is the reasoning behind returning to 75% of max during week 4. After reading Starting Strength, one of the key principles was that you must strain the body for it to adapt -- squatting the same weight over and over again isn't beneficial for growth -- you must add more weight. Based on this premise, I'm wondering:

- What is the benefit in returning to 75% of max after stressing the body at 90% of max during week 3? Doesn't it make more sense to increase your max numbers, and start again after 3 weeks instead of waiting 6 weeks before increasing your max?
- For those on the 3 week cycle, what are you using for percentage progression and how does your body feel compared to the 6 week cycle? Is your body more beat up/ unable to keep up with cardio sessions?

I know it might sound like I'm just trying to rush things, but I really am curious in the physiological reasons behind the programming...

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:28 pm
by BlackPyjamas
You may be using TB but it doesn't sound like you've actually read the book. I say this because it seems like you have zero understanding of the principles behind frequent submaximal lifting along with a peaking- or waved-style structure of training. Everything you ask is spelled out in the book. Read TB1, or read it again carefully. Don't just go off the templates because I guarantee you're missing out on a lot and doing yourself a disservice. TB isn't SS. You can't apply the rules of one program to another. SS is what's called linear progression and for most people has a relatively short period of benefit, even shorter if cardio/sports/skills are trained concurrently.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:06 pm
by mvguitar
I did read the book cover to cover -- got the TB 1 and 2 kindle package deal and have read both, but admittedly it has been awhile and maybe it is time for a refresher.

Totally understand that Starting Strength and linear progression is completely different than frequent sub maximal loading. Just trying to understand (from an efficiency standpoint) the physio benefit of keeping your maxes the same for 6 weeks vs 3 weeks.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:32 am
by godjira1
i use 3 week maxes, and then move it up ever so slightly for the next block. But sometimes I keep it the same if I feel that it's feeling kinda heavy.

So in practice, that ends up as a 6 week block.

Periodisation is not a hard and fast thing. The good thinking about 6 week block is that you are less likely to burn out and raise TM before you are ready. My take is: try both and experiment with your body. Personally I have good success running lower body stuff on 3 weeks blocks before raising TM, whereas I will need a good 6 week block (or more) for upper body lifts.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:50 am
by Maxrip13
The reason is we are taking longer to adapt and really master the weight. You won't always progress after 6 weeks on all exercises.

The easiest way to explain this is in the book and the reasoning behind it. You want to own the weight and have it solid.

Progression is progression. You will not be able to add weight every 3 weeks for very long once you reach decent weights.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 1:04 pm
by mvguitar
Thanks guys. Good advice about trusting the body and deciding on 3 vs 6 week (or longer blocks) once the weights are truly owned. To your point I'm not lifting crazy weights like some other guys here so maybe that's why some 3 week blocks have worked for me. Appreciate the help.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:16 pm
by Maxrip13
mvguitar wrote:Thanks guys. Good advice about trusting the body and deciding on 3 vs 6 week (or longer blocks) once the weights are truly owned. To your point I'm not lifting crazy weights like some other guys here so maybe that's why some 3 week blocks have worked for me. Appreciate the help.
Have a flick through the books. There is a direct quote regarding your question and why it is done this way. The program is for based around tactical athletes who need strength, but don't need to be breaking world records. The best part is this works for everyday weekend warriors also.

High conditioning loads mean a different approach to maximal strength training. Just like high stress levels and time commitments, like family and work, mean you need to approach training differently.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:42 pm
by eXpo
Although what I'm about to say does go against the principles in the books, I've found success using the more frequent progression that's used in 5/3/1. I add 2.5kg/5kg to my training maxes every 3 weeks rather than the standard 6 week TB cycles.

However, in terms of training age and strength levels, I'm very much a beginner so I'm generally lifting lower loads than the more experienced TB'ers and might be why I'm able to progress more quickly until I actually get strong. :lol:

At the moment, I seem to be coping well with my lifting alongside cardio and SE work.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:25 am
by StayGrey
eXpo wrote:Although what I'm about to say does go against the principles in the books, I've found success using the more frequent progression that's used in 5/3/1. I add 2.5kg/5kg to my training maxes every 3 weeks rather than the standard 6 week TB cycles.

However, in terms of training age and strength levels, I'm very much a beginner so I'm generally lifting lower loads than the more experienced TB'ers and might be why I'm able to progress more quickly until I actually get strong. :lol:

At the moment, I seem to be coping well with my lifting alongside cardio and SE work.
How in the world does this go against the principles of the book? Forcing progression every three weeks is a legitimate option.

Interesting about 531. 531 worked well for me initially (years ago- almost anything works for a beginner), and then I started regressing. The only thing that slowed it down was doing a lot of accessory lifting, which ended up having a really negative impact on my conditioning.

Re: Confused about 3 vs 6 week cycles

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:00 am
by eXpo
StayGrey wrote:How in the world does this go against the principles of the book? Forcing progression every three weeks is a legitimate option.

Interesting about 531. 531 worked well for me initially (years ago- almost anything works for a beginner), and then I started regressing. The only thing that slowed it down was doing a lot of accessory lifting, which ended up having a really negative impact on my conditioning.
Apologies, I don't remember reading anything about a 3 week progression option in the books. Yeah I was tempted to run 5/3/1 instead of TB however I'm currently really enjoying running TB Fighter + Bangkok but using 531's progression until I start stalling. 531 looked good but the volume of accessories put me off alongside a large conditioning load (I'm currently running Green).