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Books arrived, general feedback needed

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 2:11 am
by Noxous
Hello Gents,

I will thank you all in advance for the time and effort put into both the forums as well as helping me.

Defining my goals and executing the plan
As i mentioned above i received the books some days ago and i did my first read through to get a basic understanding of the book's principles. The weight-lifting part seems really standard following Wendler's principles with some interesting twists, quite nice.

The conditioning book has been quite eye opening for me. As with most newbie lifters i focused primarily on increasing my numbers, getting some accessory work and that was it - i never cared to condition my body. It is worth mentioning that i am also quite overweight at this moment time, before i proceed to my goals. I have NEVER done any type of conditioning other than longer ruck marches so giving this a try will be quite exciting - i am starting with Basebuilding on Monday

Current Stats:
112 Kg
173 CM height
BP: 75
SQ: 90
OHP: 55
DL: 115
Current calorie intake is at 2.1k

Drop weight to around 85kg
Increase strength and size
Keep a functioning 3-4 days training split focused on functional movements

Keeping these goals into account, where do i head after base-building? What makes sense to me is the standard Operator/Black split that is also recommended in the books but i need some additional advice for the E & HIC sessions: what should i pick that is doable with my extra weight and will not end up hurting my joints too much?

As always, and advice and recommendation to a newbie is more than welcome so feel free to share the knowledge.

Cheers everyone!

Re: Books arrived, general feedback needed

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:09 am
by Walker377
I’ve been on the program 13 weeks now, BB then 3 weeks of partial Op + Black P (due to holidays) and Im now just finished wk2 of my first proper Op + Black P block (I have a training log if you search for it).

I’m sure other with more experience will reply, but If I was you I would just focus on the next 8 weeks and see how things go. BB is tough and I imagine in doing it you will find any limitations you have in terms of conditioning and it’s impact on your body. Assuming you are doing standard BB you won’t have to worry about HICs until Wk6 and at that point you can pick the ones from the 1-10 list that are not going to impact your joints too much.

I would imagine for BB if you follow the HR rule you are going to be mixing running and walking to start anyway so the impact will be lower. Walking is fine, lots of my E sessions in BB had elements of walking especially on hills.

Take each session one at a time and see how you progress. Just make sure you are eating enough to get through it. I imagine it would be tough on a big deficit.

Re: Books arrived, general feedback needed

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:58 am
by DocOctagon
Noxous wrote: The weight-lifting part seems really standard following Wendler's principles with some interesting twists, quite nice.
Aghh…TB and 531 are practically opposites. Baseline 531 is low frequency/high intensity, TB is high frequency/low-moderate intensity. TB is closer in spirit to Korte or maybe some of the old Bompa stuff. Sorry, pet peeve of mine.

Noxous wrote: Keeping these goals into account, where do i head after base-building? What makes sense to me is the standard Operator/Black split that is also recommended in the books
Do you have any specific goals like military or training for a sport? Or is it more trying to stay in tip-top shape as a lifestyle thing? If it's the latter then standard Black or Black Pro is the way to go. Either way, focus on getting through Base first. After that's under your belt you'll have a better idea of what you like and where you want to go. You might be getting a little ahead of yourself rt now. A slightly overweight friend of mine (similar situation) got into excellent shape with Base, and developed an unexpected taste for endurance work while he was doing it. Immediately signed up for a Spartan or something similar after. So he ended up going with Green for Continuation instead. Prior to Base, he never dreamed he'd be into OCR, just never saw himself as the type. Frankly I was a little surprised too! Anyway, point is get through Base first and then reassess.