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Daily Kettlebell Swings with Base?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:15 am
by BubbaFat
Hey guys (and gals),

I'm happy to have found this community, TB is exactly what I've been looking for. Quick question;

For the past month I've been working on doing 20-30 daily kettlebell swings (one day off/week). I'm in a nice little groove and I would like to keep this up for another 2-3 weeks. The swings are broken up throughout the day into sets of 5-10.

Now I'm also planning on starting my Base Building this week. Is it okay to continue with the daily swings or is that gonna screw things right up?

Re: Daily Kettlebell Swings with Base?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:50 am
by J-Madd
20-30 swings/day is not a great deal of volume. As long as they are nice and crisp, I don't think they will hurt anything. There is an example in the the TB manual of someone who does base building by running in the mornings and doing swings and pull-ups in the evenings five days each week.

Re: Daily Kettlebell Swings with Base?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:47 am
by BubbaFat
Thanks... sorry I should clarify this would be in addition to my calisthenics-only SE. I would workout in the morning, so my morning would consist of either E or SE. The kettlebell would be mostly for the afternoons & evenings at home, a few sets here or there while I'm watching tv or at my desk.

Re: Daily Kettlebell Swings with Base?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:02 pm
by J-Madd
Even with the SE circuits, I don't think 20-30 swings/day is going to overtax anyone. I assume you are using a bell you can swing very comfortably.