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BB HIC Alternatives

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:44 pm
by bull205
Howdy -

I'm on weeks 5-8 of BB. Sprained an ankle during a hike last week. For the E sessions a bike or row make sense to me. For the HIC sessions I was looking forward to doing 600m repeats and hill thats out. Essentially all of the HICs 1-10 have running in them. There are some bikes and rowing machines, but for logistics reasons, combining them with lifting is out. To replace sprints/HIC running I was thinking of moderate weight KB Swings, long cycle C+J, Snatches. For example for the Connaught 1-10s I replaced 100m sprints with 10 Heavy KB Swings.

I know I'm in danger of overthinking this, but trying to stick the spirit of the BB HICs/ Energy System focus that are in the BB portion.

Am I veering off course or is this something that works? Is there something better?

Thanks all.

Re: BB HIC Alternatives

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:00 pm
by close_fox
I had a similar problem a while ago. I was following the 17 Week Sample Program in TB2. I needed to sub something for Heavy Bag Resets (no access to a heavy bag), but I wanted to ensure I got the intended training stimulus. Here is the guidance I got from KB:
K.B. wrote:CF, 600m resets or any 'reset' type activity. 40-90 seconds of high intensity/near-maximal effort. Fully rested in between. Same# of suggested reps.

Logically, this guidance should apply to you as well. Just get that "reset" type stimulus the best way you can.
bull205 wrote:To replace sprints/HIC running I was thinking of moderate weight KB Swings, long cycle C+J, Snatches. For example for the Connaught 1-10s I replaced 100m sprints with 10 Heavy KB Swings.
Airdyne or C2 rowing seems like closer fit to running IMO. That's what I would do.

Re: BB HIC Alternatives

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:04 pm
by Barkadion
close_fox wrote:Airdyne or C2 rowing seems like closer fit to running IMO. That's what I would do.
I can second this. I have done several Airdyne/rower sessions to simulate running. 10-15 sec Airdyne sprints are great alternative to the short hills for instance.

Re: BB HIC Alternatives

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:44 pm
by bull205
Bark, CF -

Thanks for the quick reply. The quote from KB regarding 40-60s followed by a reset is helpful. What I ended up doing was replacing sprints with airdyne and rower, but will replace heavy bag resets with kettlebell both cases I'll honor the work:rest ratio.

Re: BB HIC Alternatives

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:55 pm
by Barkadion
bull205 wrote:Bark, CF -

Thanks for the quick reply. The quote from KB regarding 40-60s followed by a reset is helpful. What I ended up doing was replacing sprints with airdyne and rower, but will replace heavy bag resets with kettlebell both cases I'll honor the work:rest ratio.
Good luck, mate.

Re: BB HIC Alternatives

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:24 am
by amac
A bit late, but another good option would be Power Intervals (HIC #5), since it's the indoor replacement for the 600m resets that were originally part of your plan. It also doesn't require any sort of weights.

Re: BB HIC Alternatives

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:46 am
by bull205
amac wrote:A bit late, but another good option would be Power Intervals (HIC #5), since it's the indoor replacement for the 600m resets that were originally part of your plan. It also doesn't require any sort of weights.
I do like the power interval option tip to replace sprints. Even before posting, I had a hunch that the airdyne/rower would be called out as the "best" replacement for sprints. But - as answers have come back, I think what I really like and will use KBs for is to replace heavy bag resets #4 and drive for the 40-60s work with full recovery in between per the conversation cf linked to above.

I feel like KB complexes will fit nicely in as a BB HIC to complement BJJ training and I can do them with a wonky ankle.