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2019 Goals?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:03 am
by godjira1
Boys & Girls (hmm don't think we have the latter on this forum but who knows), would be interesting to know your 2019 goals/aims for fitness/sport/or perhaps more. I've started with mine.


1) BIG ONE - work up to challenge for World Masters BJJ in Vegas Sep19 in Purple M3 u70kg division. So I need to get to 68kg, maintain strength, add some aerobic fitness and improve my technique/competition repertoire & strategy, not necessarily in that order.
2) STR: Not chasing any big increments in my lifts, 2.5kg or 1 rep more in BP, PP, FSQ, SQ will be good. 10x10 36kg 2h Swings, 32kgx3 strict press each side will be nice too.
3) E: Skipping & Cycling takes a lot less out of my joints at the moment vs running, could be the few extra kgs I am packing. But any modality will do... any RHR under 50 is the target.
4) SE: Pullups 15, Chinups 15. Otherwise no specific SE work outside of BJJ.
5) Skill/Technique: Sharpen my guard to sweep/drag game, and revisit taking the back! Mount needs some work. Submissions: no need to get fancy, loopchoke/triangle+omoplata from guard, then b&a+armbar from back, and low risk finishes from side control. It is competition strategy so discard all low risk/reward moves.
6) Stay healthy and injury free, so mobility and recovery work is always worked in. Volume will need to be managed.

Re: 2019 Goals?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:30 am
by Barkadion
My goals are simple.

1. Keep consistent TB training throughout the year.
2. Stay injury free.
3. Keep Fighter Bangkok as my main template. Play with the set up of SE a little.
4. Might give OMS a try.
5. I might skip BB this year since I am doing green most of the year.

Happy NY, TB-ers!!

Re: 2019 Goals?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:53 am
by Likes
If I can keep training consistantly and keep progressing I'd be really happy, so this is my main goal.

I don't have a strength goal.

Endurance / HIC wise I'd like to get to a sub 28min 5K.

I'd like to increase my body composition and dip below a 100kg maybe down to 95kg

Re: 2019 Goals?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:24 am
by VenomousCoffee
I'd like to do the following:

1) Get my BW down to about 225

2) Keep my strength levels where they are

3) Get to where I can do the 'normal' versions of HICs 1-10 ... I won't say easily, but maybe without feeling completely tapped out afterwards.

Re: 2019 Goals?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:24 am
by Kaito
1) run a specific 5k race in April in <21min
2) consistent MMA Training at least 3 times a week
3) maintain / slightly improve strength

thats it :)

Re: 2019 Goals?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:58 pm
by jzt
1) Remain injury free

2) Increase strength
Chin Ups 5xBW+70 / Goal: 5xBW+100
Trap DL 5x405 / Goal: 5x500
Press 5x155 / Goal: 5x185

3) Improve Boxing and BJJ

4) Improve my cardio

Re: 2019 Goals?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:27 pm
by OldManAsh
1. Pull a 400-lb deadlift
2. Complete 50 miles at the Spartan Ultra World Championship in Nov

Previous best DL was 335, but I'm basically back to square one after a series of injuries. Working with a trainer to make sure my form is dialed in, and to address any lingering imbalances or mobility issues.