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Front Squats for Infantry Prep

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:31 pm
by CelticFrost91
Hey everyone, hopefully, this can lead to some good discussion.

I'm currently preparing for the Marines TBS. Have gotten my strength back and then some after OCS running Operator and used Fighter and Green for OCS prep and saw great results.

I'm currently planning out the next block in my training and I am thinking about going over to Green before I head out to TBS (hopefully in August, but we will see).

I'm debating including front squats over the back squat for this block. I'm curious if the front squat would be helpful or detrimental. My goals are to maintain a decent PFT score (happy with 19-20 min. 3 mile) while maintaining my strength. TBS is pretty much basic infantry skills for officers, so lots of hiking. I've noticed that in endurance based programs, such as Mountain Tactical or as suggested in the grunt cluster, utilize the front squat. I am also debating going back in the infantry, which would mean prepping for IOC, and I want to be ready should I choose to pursue that.

I assume this is because it allows you to move less weight while being able to keep up with the demands of an endurance heavy program? My only concern is that I don't know how this will impact my overall strength. I would think back squats would be preferred because a strong posterior chain would be helpful for hiking.

I tried searching and haven't found anything specific to this. I also was not too much into fitness when I was enlisted so I never really trained for our hikes, just kinda went out there and humped.

Re: Front Squats for Infantry Prep

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:37 am
by Maxrip13
It's exactly as you thought that the lower overall weight in the front squat is easier to cope with due to all the lower body endurance work.
Front squat is less weight but harder to stabilize due to the more upright posture. If you aren't a powerlifter it doesn't really matter if you back squat, front squat or any of the similar variations. Being a tactical athlete all you need to worry about is strong enough to do your job.

Rob Shaul over at Mountain Tactical likes the front squat for because he is of the opinion that bench press and front squat weight should be similar for tactical athletes. Think of all the gym rats that can bench what they back squat and it starts to make sense.

Hopefully this makes sense. Basically pick whatever squat variation you prefer and go for it. They are just all different variations.

Re: Front Squats for Infantry Prep

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 4:54 pm
by close_fox
CelticFrost91 wrote:Hey everyone, hopefully, this can lead to some good discussion.

I'm currently preparing for the Marines TBS. Have gotten my strength back and then some after OCS running Operator and used Fighter and Green for OCS prep and saw great results.

I'm currently planning out the next block in my training and I am thinking about going over to Green before I head out to TBS (hopefully in August, but we will see).

Good. IMO, Fighter + Green is the obvious choice for your goals/situation. Hopefully structured in a way that incorporates the guidance you have from the schoolhouse (if any).

I'm debating including front squats over the back squat for this block. I'm curious if the front squat would be helpful or detrimental. My goals are to maintain a decent PFT score (happy with 19-20 min. 3 mile) while maintaining my strength. TBS is pretty much basic infantry skills for officers, so lots of hiking. I've noticed that in endurance based programs, such as Mountain Tactical or as suggested in the grunt cluster, utilize the front squat. I am also debating going back in the infantry, which would mean prepping for IOC, and I want to be ready should I choose to pursue that.

Great idea to try FSQ. I don't seen how it could do anything but help you.

My real catalyst for moving to FSQ was 12 month deployment cycle. At that point, I had suspected for a few blocks that SQ was causing me recovery issues. I switched to FSQ when I got in country. Everything improved. Most importantly, I was able to keep the fitness I needed and recover day-to-day while working crazy hours and wearing body armor and gear a good percentage of the time. I never felt an operational need to go "full Grunt" cluster (i.e., move from BP to OHP). I'll be driving a desk now for a while (probably a long while :roll: ). I'm still sticking with FSQ. The balance, recovery, and results are just too good.

I assume this is because it allows you to move less weight while being able to keep up with the demands of an endurance heavy program? Exactly. But it's not just the lighter weight. I have found (googled) several articles that explain how FSQ has less shearing and compressive force than SQ. My only concern is that I don't know how this will impact my overall strength. I would think back squats would be preferred because a strong posterior chain would be helpful for hiking.

Your posterior chain will be more than fine with a combination of FSQ, targeted KB swings and RDLs (as needed), and the rucking/running you need to prepare for school.

I tried searching and haven't found anything specific to this. I also was not too much into fitness when I was enlisted so I never really trained for our hikes, just kinda went out there and humped.

I guessing that was several years and many miles ago. Youth pulled me along too, when I had more of it. Good on you for looking to train smarter now.

Re: Front Squats for Infantry Prep

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:05 pm
by Barkadion
Agreed with CF but just want to bring another option to the table: SSB squat. Not sure if you have access to the bar but switching to it was one of the best decisions of my life.

Re: Front Squats for Infantry Prep

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:45 am
by CelticFrost91
Wow, thanks to everyone for the great info. One thing I noticed last year while prepping for OCS was the "grind" I was feeling logging in a lot of miles per week while squatting heavy. FSQ would've probably been the right answer (hindsight is 20/20). I also really wish I trained like this while I was enlisted.

As far as guidance from the school house, all I'm told is make sure you get a competitive PFT to get a seat and work on strength. Really can't go wrong with TB here. I'll probably do bench and FSQ as my cluster.

As far as the SSB squat goes, have always wanted to try it, but my gym doesn't have the bar. They just got a second squat rack though haha, so one victory at a time.

Really do appreciate the help I've been getting here, always open to any more suggestions/insight.

Re: Front Squats for Infantry Prep

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 5:52 am
by TBPenguin
CelticFrost91 wrote:My only concern is that I don't know how this will impact my overall strength. I would think back squats would be preferred because a strong posterior chain would be helpful for hiking.

I tried searching and haven't found anything specific to this. I also was not too much into fitness when I was enlisted so I never really trained for our hikes, just kinda went out there and humped.
I have zero experience with any of the units you are discussing. But I've gone long sections doing fronts instead of back squats, and when I picked up back squats again, I was usually within 10% or better on squatting. Also used to hike a lot, and which squat I was doing did not affect difficulty, even with a heavy pack. Whether I had been doing deadlifts or not did make a difference. Hope this helps.

Re: Front Squats for Infantry Prep

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:07 pm
by CelticFrost91
TBPenguin wrote:
I have zero experience with any of the units you are discussing. But I've gone long sections doing fronts instead of back squats, and when I picked up back squats again, I was usually within 10% or better on squatting. Also used to hike a lot, and which squat I was doing did not affect difficulty, even with a heavy pack. Whether I had been doing deadlifts or not did make a difference. Hope this helps.
Thanks, this does help. I don't imagine it would go down drastically.