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(Another) PFT Prep Question

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:41 pm
by Dignityinleisure14
I am planning to take a PFT this summer that includes push ups, sit ups, a 300 meter run, and a 1.5 mile run. Due to various life circumstances (two small kids, etc), injury, and illness I have let my baseline fitness deteriorate and I need to cut significant time, like minutes, from my 1.5 mile run. I need to lose some weight, which I am addressing with diet changes, and also finish doing some PT on a back and hip injury I sustained squatting two weeks ago.

Once my PT gives me the all clear, I plan to start an eight week BB phase as written with an alpha SE protocol. I am hoping to do as much running as my recovery allows and will supplement with triples, rucking, and swimming when I need. I haven't settled on the SE cluster but will make sure it includes push ups.

After that eight weeks I am planning to do a six week PFT specific program from Mountain Tactical Institute that includes the tested events and plenty of 200-800 m running repeats and some longer runs as well. My question comes with after running this specific program. If I am still not passing would it make sense to run this cycle of eight weeks of BB followed by this specific prep program again? Or, should I move to a continuation phase running a green conditioning protocol? Or, alternatively I'm wondering if I should run a longer than 8 week BB cycle, like perhaps add another few weeks before moving to this PFT prep work?

If it helps in addition to preparing for this test I also do BJJ whenever my family life allows, but am hoping to train more consistently and I can always tell a big difference in my rolling when my aerobic capacity is higher.

I know that others have asked plenty of questions about preparing for these kinds of tests but I feel like they either have less time than I do to prepare or are at a higher baseline Thanks for helping and for being such a great resource.

Re: (Another) PFT Prep Question

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:32 pm
by Maxrip13
Are you passing everything else comfortably?
How many minutes off are you in the run?

It sounds like you have taken an extensive period away from training regularly.
It also sounds like you have a long time until you need to pass this fitness test.

Basebuilding into a specific prep program is a good way to go. I can't really comment on specifics outside of that.
I would do a practice test and see where I struggle the most and plan around that. If you haven't ran in ages then you might get enough out of basebuilding to pass.

I personally haven't used Mountain Tacticals PFT prep program, but if you have had success using it in the past then go for it.

Re: (Another) PFT Prep Question

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:36 pm
by Dignityinleisure14
I last took the practice test six months ago and was squeaking by in the other categories but my run time was like two minutes off. I haven't been able to do much in the gym since then due to a bad cycle of illness and injury, so I can only imagine my run time is even worse. I am thinking I have a long way to improve and hopefully BB will get me a good way there, thank you.

Re: (Another) PFT Prep Question

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:37 am
by Maxrip13
Dignityinleisure14 wrote:I last took the practice test six months ago and was squeaking by in the other categories but my run time was like two minutes off. I haven't been able to do much in the gym since then due to a bad cycle of illness and injury, so I can only imagine my run time is even worse. I am thinking I have a long way to improve and hopefully BB will get me a good way there, thank you.
Personally I would do another practice test and assess. Your plan of basebuilding into a specific prep program is solid though.
I just can't comment on that Military Athlete program as I have never completed it.

Focus on getting back up to speed slowly if you have ages to pass this test. Basebuilding will get you 85% of the way there I reckon mate.

Re: (Another) PFT Prep Question

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:24 pm
by spemma
I had to take the same test and had the same weakness (running).

Take a look through my threads and my training log.

Long story short I’d be running 5 days a week if I were you. 4 days at 30 minutes and 1 day at 50-60 minutes (long run). Increment each by 5-10 minutes each week until your 4 days are at 50-60 minutes and your long run is 70-90 minutes. Adjust according to how you feel.

Also, two days of SE per week are not enough. You should be at 3 or even 4. I liked Stew Smiths 2-week push-up and sit-up programs as a shock to get my numbers up and strong, then I maintained with the Navy Seal PFT guide SE recommendations (4-5 sets of 20-25 reps x 3-4 days per week, IIRC).

Practice timed sit ups. Practice timed sit ups. Practice timed sit ups. That’s your money in the bank category. Start off with 7, 8, or 9 points and the test is a lot less intimidating.

Once you get past BB, switch into a Green protocol. I’d still be running 5 days per week with at least 3 E days, of which one is a long run. You can add some hill sprints and maybe a tempo run (Fast 5). Every other week run a full PFT EXACTLY how it’s supposed to be run, with only 5 minutes rest. Always do perfect reps. Chest to floor, exaggerated lock out. Back all the way down and then up high enough for there to be no question on the sit ups. I kept running the Navy Seal style SE - never switched to lifting. That worked for me because I came from a big weightlifting background. Might not be the case for you.

PM me if you have more questions.