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Too much volume? Operator 3x/week + SE + E + Skill Work

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:55 pm
by jzt
The plan is this:

Operator for 6 weeks; 70%, 80%, 90%, 75%, 85%, 95% with the rep schemes and if I'm not satisfied with how the weights feel after 6 weeks, I will go for 12 as prescribed in the book.

Cluster: Trap DL, Chin Ups and Press

Current 1RMs (all lifts are done with no straps/belt/gloves)
Trap DL = 472lbs
Chin Ups = BW+116lbs or 323lbs total
Press = 181lbs

So far, this part is crystal clear to me and I feel like I really know where I'm going. The part that gets blurry is the SE, E and Skill Work.

I love the idea of SE circuits as this is a big weak point for me since I've never trained it. I came up with the following cluster for SE:

Push Ups x10-20-30 (day 1, 2, 3)
Lunges x10-20-30 (day 1, 2, 3)
Crunches x10-20-30 (day 1, 2, 3)
Glute Bridge x10-20-30 (day 1, 2, 3)
Face Pulls x10-20-30 (day 1, 2, 3)

I debated including Pull Ups, but the fact that I'll be doing heavy Chin Ups 3x a week already is fairly rough on my elbows, so I opted for Face Pulls with bands.

So far that's 3 Strength workouts and 3 SE workouts. On top of that I would like to do some E work and work on my Boxing and BJJ as well at least 2x a week.

What option would make the most sense volume wise?
Option 1:
Strength work 3x
SE 3x
Boxing/BJJ 2x
E 1-2x
Option 2:
Strength work 3x
SE 2x (workout A 10 reps, workout B 20 reps)
Boxing/BJJ 2x
E 1-2x
Option 3:
Strength work 3x
SE 2x (workout A 10 reps, workout B 20 reps)
Boxing/BJJ 2-3x (which covers E as well)
Option 4:
Strength work 3x
Going by feel/schedule for the rest of the week
Extra infos: I'm 29, nutrition/sleep are optimal and I can do SE / E during work hours. Boxing/BJJ and Strength outside of work. Work weeks vary a lot from 30-80 hours.

EDIT: I know that at the end of Chapter 19 it says that SE is entirely optional, but I do believe it could complement my Strength training, specially since I'm not used to doing it.

Re: Too much volume? Operator 3x/week + SE + E + Skill Work

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:54 am
by Maxrip13
The idea is to focus on either Max strength (Operator,Zulu etc) or strength Endurance (SE). If you want to work on Max strength and SE concurrently then Fighter Bangkok is the recommended Cluster. TB1 and TB2 cover this in depth and better than I can explain.

The idea isn’t really to do Operator plus 3 days of SE within the TB system. Do basebuilding (SE +LSS) and then move into another continuation protocol (Green/Black).

Sports like boxing and bjj will cover off your SE also.

You are trying to do way too much. You might be able to do it for a while but in the long term you will burn out. Give it a go if you like though mate.

Re: Too much volume? Operator 3x/week + SE + E + Skill Work

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:20 am
by jzt
Maxrip13 wrote:The idea is to focus on either Max strength (Operator,Zulu etc) or strength Endurance (SE). If you want to work on Max strength and SE concurrently then Fighter Bangkok is the recommended Cluster. TB1 and TB2 cover this in depth and better than I can explain.

The idea isn’t really to do Operator plus 3 days of SE within the TB system. Do basebuilding (SE +LSS) and then move into another continuation protocol (Green/Black).

Sports like boxing and bjj will cover off your SE also.

You are trying to do way too much. You might be able to do it for a while but in the long term you will burn out. Give it a go if you like though mate.
That's what I thought as well (the MAs will cover SE). I think TB Operator @ 3x / week + my boxing and BJJ will be plenty and I'll be able to really focus on skill work as well.

Thank you for your input.

Re: Too much volume? Operator 3x/week + SE + E + Skill Work

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:33 pm
by VenomousCoffee
I agree that that's way too much work. I myself fall into the trap of getting 'big eyes' while programming and thinking you can have it all. I'm extra-concerned with your saying you can go up to 80 hours of work a week. It's all going to be too much.

Another question: no squats?

Re: Too much volume? Operator 3x/week + SE + E + Skill Work

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:23 pm
by jzt
VenomousCoffee wrote:I agree that that's way too much work. I myself fall into the trap of getting 'big eyes' while programming and thinking you can have it all. I'm extra-concerned with your saying you can go up to 80 hours of work a week. It's all going to be too much.

Another question: no squats?
Regarding the work weeks, like I said it can vary a lot, some weeks can be brutal, while others very relaxing. I typically get 1 hour on and 1 hour off and have a gym at work, so that's always helpful.

As for the squats, as I read in the book, it says you can create your own cluster based on needs, etc. To me the typical Deadlift/Squat/Bench never made any sense. It's basically 2 lower body movements and one upper body push. I know some people claim that the DL is a back exercise, but truly it's more of a hamstring, glutes and erectors exercise. I always thought it should be a lower body exercise (Deadlift, Trap DL, Front or Back Squat, Zercher Squat, etc) as well as an upper pull and an upper push. I have a history of lower back injuries that flare up when I do conv deadlifts and sometimes squats when I go too deep and the lower back rounds at the bottom. Therefore, the small benefits I would get from doing Conv DL and/or Squats are not worth it compared to the Trap bar DL since I have no interest in powerlifting.

Re: Too much volume? Operator 3x/week + SE + E + Skill Work

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:33 pm
by VenomousCoffee
I hear you on the back problems. I use sumo stance and it helps a lot--I have to train at this yuppie bs gym (I'm pretty sure that they have driven all the other gyms in town out of business over the years) and they don't have any sort of hex or trap bar.

Re: Too much volume? Operator 3x/week + SE + E + Skill Work

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:23 pm
by jzt
VenomousCoffee wrote:I hear you on the back problems. I use sumo stance and it helps a lot--I have to train at this yuppie bs gym (I'm pretty sure that they have driven all the other gyms in town out of business over the years) and they don't have any sort of hex or trap bar.
If I didn't have a Trap Bar I probably would do sumo as well. Front Squats are also a nice option, as well as Power Cleans.

There are some trap bar at 150$, it might be worth asking your gym to get one, or buying one yourself and leaving it there. I honestly think it's the perfect Squat/DL hybrid for athletes because it works your glutes, hams, quads, abs, lower back, traps and grip while making it almost impossible to get injured, which is the most important part. Plus, it's very sports specific (rarely will your knee bend below 90 degrees in any sport).