Deadlift on Day 6 in OP?

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Deadlift on Day 6 in OP?

Post by mattd1981 »

In Mass Protocol when doing General Mass Template the Deadlift Programming schedules all deadlift sets to be performed on Day 6. Would there be any drawbacks to scheduling the all 3 sets of deadlift the same way in Operator?

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Re: Deadlift on Day 6 in OP?

Post by YohanBC »

I wouldn't do it. You have 3 options to choose from in the TB1 book. The way the deadlift is scheduled in the mass protocol is because of the goal ; mass. Operator is more of a "functional" template, so you shouldn't let is interfere too much with your conditioning and/or skill training.

That said, if you're a civilian and you don't do a huge amount of conditioning, you could probably try to do deadlift of day 6 and see how you feel on it.

Hard to give a specific answer without knowing your goals, conditioning schedule, if you practice a sport etc. That's just my point of view, I could be wrong though.

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