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Will continuing HR Restricted training 1x a week in green still lead to adaptations?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:28 pm
by JudoRob
Hi there,

Sorry for the wall of text. I've bolded the most relevant parts for a TL:DR.

I'm a 31 y/o Male who is entering week 5 of basebuilding. So far, so good. I never thought I would be able to run 5 miles, but here I am, and my resting heart rate has dropped from 88 to roughly 68-72 BPM. I also notice that my heart rate returns to normal more quickly after LSS.

Overall, my goal for the time being is relatively general. It's to develop a healthy habit, gain some strength, improve my aerobic base, and hopefully gain some level of fitness that will carry over to surfing and BJJ.

I understand that Green is meant for us to stretch our wings, drop HR restricted training, and begin to focus on speed, work capacity, and power output, but I feel I still have more to gain in terms of a base.

If I were to structure my green protocol so I have one 60+ minute HR restricted LSS session, a Fun-Run, and a ruck would I still see the benefits of the LSS in terms of endurance and lower heart rate although it's only being performed 1x a week?

Most of my strength training will take place using Fighter, and I plan on starting out with green simply because I've neglected an aerobic base for so long. I was toying with the idea of using Fighter Bangkok during this stint, but wasn't sure if the added SE would be too much.

Also, could I still expect to see gains in terms of strength and should I be using a training max with green since I'm relatively unconditioned?