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Most Effective Conditioning Path

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:44 am
by Infernal Plane
Hi all,

I found TB through another site (Sherdog) which led me here. Currently I strength train as a hobby and have completely neglected any "cardio training" for the past 10 years. I plan to apply to an IT/networking coast guard position which mandates that everyone, regardless of field placement, complete a fitness test. The fitness test consists roughly of some push-ups and sit-ups (easy) and a 1.5 mile run.

My question is, what is the most effective way at increasing my cardio/running over the next 4-6 months? I'm suffering from analysis paralysis - browsing Army and Navy forums suggest modalities like 60s run / 90s walk, while 5/3/1 suggests structuring runs into 4x400m (90s rest between each), 8x200m (rest 60s), 16x100m (rest 45s), et cetera. The key differentiation here obviously is one forum suggests walking as "rest" while 5/3/1 suggest timed rest periods

Secondly, If I were to purchase one of the ebooks, would you suggest Conditioning or Law Enforcement so I can piece together a plan?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or guidance.

Re: Most Effective Conditioning Path

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:26 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Pick up the Conditioning book and you will have your answer. Start with Base Building.

Re: Most Effective Conditioning Path

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:38 pm
by mikhou
Yep. Buy TB, 3rd edition for strength and TB2 for conditioning. Start with base building and then go to a continuation protocol as outlined in the books. Don't change the program. Follow this advice below from the conclusion to the TB2 book,
Go look in the mirror. Get a look at what your body looks like right now. Now, shut your mind up for a year. A year will go by regardless of what you do. Follow this conditioning protocol consistently for a year. Avoid shopping for new techniques, programs, exercises, and diets for the year. These are all distractions that lead to indecision, paralysis by analysis, and procrastination. Go ahead and see what happens when you commit to something for a year. After the year’s up, and if you still want to – go ahead and return to your previous habits. I have a hunch that won't be happening.

Black, K.. Tactical Barbell II: Conditioning . Zulu23 Group. Kindle Edition.

Re: Most Effective Conditioning Path

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 2:51 am
by godjira1
4-6 months is plenty. Basebuild + some continuation with the odd interval training and you should be gold for the 1.5 miler.

Re: Most Effective Conditioning Path

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 3:36 am
by Infernal Plane
Thanks all, I'll pick up the books tonight.