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Pat Flynn’s Strong On Program

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:30 pm
by Tyr0331
Has anyone used this program? In a place for three months with no gym but I brought a few different kettlebells (no doubles) and thought about giving his program a try just for peace of mind that I’m still using a good program. I have his 101 free workouts but that’s all they are. Not really a program so thought about trying his strong on for $20/month

Re: Pat Flynn’s Strong On Program

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:12 pm
by Maxrip13
I tried to have a google and see what the program is about, but didn't have much luck. It reads a bit like usual kettlebell stuff with the claims that it will cover all your fitness bases.

I would personally give it a crack for a month and see.

The other option is to do a basebuild and use bodyweight and kettlebells.

Alternatively, I would have a play and work on things like bottoms up presses, sots presses and have a bit of fun that way for a month or so.

Sorry I can't help more.