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Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 6:46 pm
by Ateciak997
Hey, I'm plannning doing Fighter Cluster : Front Squat, Bench Press, Weighted Chin ups and Romanian Deadlifts. I'm not sure about 4 exercises clusters.. Should I do it 2x a week:
FSQ , BP , Wtd Chins, RDL or

like with classic DL 1) FSQ BP Wtd Chins 2) FSQ BP RDL // add pull ups/ push ups as finisher ??

I think with RDL i could do full cluster on one session.
I think Fighter cluster with Power Clean is with 4 ex on 1 session ??

Thanks for all replies and sorry for my english :)

Re: Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 11:37 pm
by Maxrip13
Do you have the TB books mate?

Re read the fighter chapter and you will have your answer.

Good luck mate

Re: Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 5:31 am
by Ateciak997
I re read and didnt find answer. There is eg with classic DL which is more taxing than RDL.
There is also statement that I can DL 2x week.
Maybe you didnt understand my question but Im asking if i can do 4 heavy compound ex cluster on 1 session.
I didnt find example of that in the book So...?
If you did tell me Page. Mate

Re: Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:49 am
by Maxrip13
What are your goals ?

Improved numbers in those movements or just general strength gains?
What is your training background?

The idea behind TB clusters is to hit lifts frequently. If you are doing fighter you only lift 2x a week. The book has a paragraph on the same page as the percentage chart. It covers frequency vs variety. The earlier chapters cover off on this also. I am on kindle so page number is hard.

The book covers recommendations on clusters for fighter and why you would choose 2, 3 ,4, 5+exercise clusters based on your goals. Basically the more you hit a movement the stronger it will get. You need to decide whether frequent practice or variety is more important to you.

I can’t give you specifics without knowingyour Goals. Reading into it you chose rdl as a light deadlift option because you want to include some form of deadlifting?

It makes sense so give it a go for a bit and see how things go. With fighter I would recommend sticking to the same exercises both days.

Re: Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 7:36 am
by Ateciak997
Thanks for answer.
I did 2 cycles with operator and base building while i was preparing for CT unit. On december i got injured and had break. Started on february base building from TB Mass and then also started training BJJ.
Actually my Focus Will be Bjj competitions.
My back is really tired from mats So i want to get some break from Back Squat. And for front squat natura for me was RDL.

I made this cluster baaed on this ... -athletes/

I was only confused if I can do 4ex all the time. But I think I can as TB is all about frequency.

Re: Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 9:36 am
by Maxrip13
Ateciak997 wrote:Thanks for answer.
I did 2 cycles with operator and base building while i was preparing for CT unit. On december i got injured and had break. Started on february base building from TB Mass and then also started training BJJ.
Actually my Focus Will be Bjj competitions.
My back is really tired from mats So i want to get some break from Back Squat. And for front squat natura for me was RDL.

I made this cluster baaed on this ... -athletes/

I was only confused if I can do 4ex all the time. But I think I can as TB is all about frequency.
I also do bjj. I use the typical swat cluster from the books with a very conservative training max. I sub front squat in occasionally.I am a strong deadlifter so I never really train it much. As you have I find my back takes a pounding from grappling.

I don’t include deadlifts often in my cluster because It causes issues on the mats. Especially if I go above 2 reps regularly. That’s my experience though.

If bjj is your focus I would recommend a less is more approach, but that is from my personal experience. I rarely go above 3 exercises in a cluster. If you feel you can hit 4 go for it.

Do you own any other books besides TB mass ?

Re: Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 10:20 am
by Ateciak997
I Will try Fighter with my cluster and See how it goes.
Yes I have all 3 books. TB STRENGTH 3rd TB Conditioning and TB Mass.

Re: Fighter Cluster Execution Question

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 10:26 pm
by Maxrip13
Ateciak997 wrote:I Will try Fighter with my cluster and See how it goes.
Yes I have all 3 books. TB STRENGTH 3rd TB Conditioning and TB Mass.
Sounds good mate. If you can grab ageless athlete as well. It covers off some good ideas for deadlifts and swings. It also mentions bjj.