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Which template after Base Building?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:06 pm
by Paciek
Hello! I am 29 years old LEO in Poland. I gratuated police academy in 2014. I am detective so I work mainly at police station and have stationary job. A few years before police academy i was fat. I started strength training. Some time late I started also running once a week and for 2 years I was training krav maga two times a week. After graduating I was keen on running. Since 2014 to 2016 my only sport was running and I was not doing strength training at all. I was running 10k and half marathons - mostly trail runs. My wieght at this time was about 78 kg and I am 183 cm tall. After that I was burned out and started to focus on strength training.
I was training in powerlifring style. I finished Starting Strenght and did some blocks of Jim Wendler 5/3/1 training. I was not doing any "cardio" activity. Then I have bought Tactical Barbell e-book. I did 1 block of Black + Operator. Because of work and family obligations (birth of a daughter) I didn't have enough time to train so my training wasn't systematic and during block I didn't do all HIC and E workouts. It caused that I got fat (98 kg) and my endurance dramatically droped. At this time I started to rucking/hiking/trekking in the mountains with my friends. We were usully hiking once in 2-3 months for a whole weekend. I also started to train practical (IPSC) and defensive shooting every other week on a shooting range and doing some short daily dry fire workouts at home.

Now my daughter is older and I finally have enough time for serious training. For 3 days I will finish Base Building block (strength first) and I wonder what to do next. I would like to lose some fat and be better in activities such as:
- practical (IPSC) and defensive shooting
- trekking/rucking/hiking (at the end of September I am going to climb the highest mountain in Germany (Zugspitze) and in Austria (Grossglockner))
- trail running (I would like to start ocasionally at some local runs like I used to do in 2014-2016)
- XC/MTB cycling (I have lot of singletracks around my niegbourhood)
- XC skiing (in winter instead of cycling)

And now is my question. I don't know what to do after Base Bulding. I want to be ready for shooting and for my other sports activities. Should I start Green + Fighter standard template or Green + Figther Bangkok or maybe I should run Black + Operator or any other template first?

I was thinking that after Base Budling:
MS will be Grunt Cluster.
HIC will be running as described in TB II (intervals; fast 5 tempo runs etc.).
E will be running, rucking and XC cycling/skiing.
SE will be Alpha Circuits with weighted vest (push ups; goblet squats; inverted TRX rows; dips; crunches; kettlebell swings)
but I still don't know which template would be te best to reach my goals.

Sorry for my bad English ;)

Re: Which template after Base Building?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 11:21 pm
by jzt
The Grunt cluster is fine, any cluster is fine as long as it matches your anthropometry. I use Trap DL, OHP and W Chin Ups.

I think you wanna start ''easy''. If you've read the books, you don't need, nor is it wise, to incorporate SE, HIC, MxS and E all at once.

Start with either Fighter or Operator (2x or 3x MxS) and I would say add 2 E sessions per week. That's it. Run that for 6 weeks, then add onto it. Maybe an extra E session + a recovery session (ex: Yoga) + rerun the MxS template another 6 weeks. Once your E is decent, slowly incorporate HIC and/or SE.

Don't try to do too much at once or you will crash and burn. From 10+ years of lifting experience, I have to look at a routine and tell myself ''That looks easy'' otherwise it just won't work IRL. With work, family, sleep (or lack of), sometimes sub-optimal nutrition, etc. the workout has to be ''easy''. Over time, you will add weight.

Picture this scenario regarding MxS: You start in Jan and run Operator for 6 weeks with the prescribed %. You then do another 6 weeks adding 1% to every week. You keep repeating that. Fast forward, you're now in November and you're doing 9% more on every week than when you started. That's only 11 months. Those were steady, injury free, ''easy'' gains.


Some retard going all out on week 1 and getting injured on week 4.

It's a slow process, be patient, add up slowly. Focus on one thing at the time, once you're good at it, add new stuff on top of it.