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What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:49 pm
by jzt
Before anything, I own both TB: Cond and TB: Strength and have read them both. They are by far the best books/literature I have encountered in regards to training (Wendler, Wenning, Simmons, etc.). I think I always had an issue with powerlifting oriented training while not caring at all about powerlifting and finding that it translated poorly to real life endeavors.

So far I have ran 2 blocks and I'm in the middle of a 3rd. The only issues I've had were when I took a 3 weeks break between block 2 and 3 and stopped doing mobility work. I learned from that.

Regarding the original question, is there anyone who has had success with programming assistance work to target ''weak areas''. For example, if tricep strength is lacking on a Press, would it be viable to program 2 short sessions per week (ideally after strength training) to target those? In my case I'm mostly concerned about ''core'' work (lower back and abs). Is there any way this could be incorporated 2-3x per week after strength sessions?

For example, you would do your Cluster, then do something like 3x15-20 for the abs and 3x15-20 for the lower back and call it a day.

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:42 pm
by Barkadion
It sounds like a finishers?

Personally, I do 1 shoulder mobility drill with light DB, and one set of core exercise (Ab roller rollouts for an example). It does it for me.

But, you might underestimate the HIC programming. Think about KB snatches and swings, plank/shunk, burpees, and anything-like. I have done Fobbits with custom core exercises. There are plenty possibilities to adjust to any needs.

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:45 am
by TBPenguin
jzt wrote: Regarding the original question, is there anyone who has had success with programming assistance work to target ''weak areas''. For example, if tricep strength is lacking on a Press, would it be viable to program 2 short sessions per week (ideally after strength training) to target those? In my case I'm mostly concerned about ''core'' work (lower back and abs). Is there any way this could be incorporated 2-3x per week after strength sessions?

For example, you would do your Cluster, then do something like 3x15-20 for the abs and 3x15-20 for the lower back and call it a day.
jzt, for core work you can just add it in, no problem. I think when you get to assistance work that adds on to the work done with the big lifts the guideline is no on Operator, OK on Zulu. I think if somebody is running Operator and gets such urges, it might be better to change the big lift, e.g., if triceps is really a concern (and not just overall weakness) then maybe do a block or two with close grips instead of bench, rather than add work.

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:22 pm
by K.B.
Zulu, Zulu I/A, and Zulu/Minimalist were all designed to leave room for optional accessory work. Have a look at the examples in TB1, particularly 'DT' and 'Amir'. When it comes to load/reps/sets for the accessory work you can go with a more classic BB/hypertrophy approach, something like;

Week 1: 4 x 10-12/50%
Week 2: 4 x 8-10/60%-70%
Week 3: 4 x 6-8/70-80%

The only real 'rule' here would be to do the Zulu MS lifts first, assistance after. Be fresh for MS, be a little fatigued for the accessory work. Have a look at Zulu Minimalist if you really want to spend a block or three focusing on assistance.

Keep an eye on how MS is being affected. If you find yourself struggling with the MS lifts throughout the week, that's usually a signal to tone down the accessory work. Higher volume hypertrophy training creates a kind of muscular fatigue that lingers much longer than heavy/low rep strength work. That muscular fatigue will likely have an impact on upcoming MS lifts if you're not mindful

Core work/core finishers, lower back, abs etc are fine to tack on after any template.

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:09 am
by jzt
K.B. wrote:Zulu, Zulu I/A, and Zulu/Minimalist were all designed to leave room for optional accessory work. Have a look at the examples in TB1, particularly 'DT' and 'Amir'. When it comes to load/reps/sets for the accessory work you can go with a more classic BB/hypertrophy approach, something like;

Week 1: 4 x 10-12/50%
Week 2: 4 x 8-10/60%-70%
Week 3: 4 x 6-8/70-80%

The only real 'rule' here would be to do the Zulu MS lifts first, assistance after. Be fresh for MS, be a little fatigued for the accessory work. Have a look at Zulu Minimalist if you really want to spend a block or three focusing on assistance.

Keep an eye on how MS is being affected. If you find yourself struggling with the MS lifts throughout the week, that's usually a signal to tone down the accessory work. Higher volume hypertrophy training creates a kind of muscular fatigue that lingers much longer than heavy/low rep strength work. That muscular fatigue will likely have an impact on upcoming MS lifts if you're not mindful

Core work/core finishers, lower back, abs etc are fine to tack on after any template.
Thanks a lot for the great reply (and to the others too, it's the first time that KB posts in my thread).

I have a second question if you don't mind: are all the % used based on a TM or a 1RM estimate? For the blocks I've ran I based my % of my 1RM and it worked fine, but I wonder if I have been wrong for the past 12 weeks...

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:25 am
by K.B.
jzt wrote: I have a second question if you don't mind: are all the % used based on a TM or a 1RM estimate? For the blocks I've ran I based my % of my 1RM and it worked fine, but I wonder if I have been wrong for the past 12 weeks...
That's entirely up to you. Some use a TM, others RM.

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:58 pm
by 03rockeater
I'll post here instead of creating a new thread...hopefully it is read since this post is now a few weeks old

I plan on running Operator/Black. I am trying to figure out a way of adding an exercise (yes, just one extra) such as inverted rows in order to correct a rounded shoulder issue that I've had for many years (lots of pushing and not enough pulling). But, I don't think the desire to add this one exercise is enough for me to switch to the ZULU template. I plan on using deadlifts and WPU's in my Operator cluster, but don't think these exercises will help with my rounded shoulder issue although they will help with my goal of generating maximum strength. How best to add on inverted rows (or a different exercise if that is what is recommended to me)? I suppose there is a way of working them in with SE or some HIC work although it seems like this might be tough to do.
K.B. wrote:Core work/core finishers, lower back, abs etc are fine to tack on after any template.
Just confirming that I could do these every day I run Operator after my strength work? In other words, do core / lower back work 3x each week? Or did I read wrong?

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:09 pm
by wcu25rs
jzt wrote:
Thanks a lot for the great reply (and to the others too, it's the first time that KB posts in my thread).

I have a second question if you don't mind: are all the % used based on a TM or a 1RM estimate? For the blocks I've ran I based my % of my 1RM and it worked fine, but I wonder if I have been wrong for the past 12 weeks...

like KB already replied, both work. But Ive always been a big proponent of a 90% TM, especially as I get older.

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 8:53 pm
by Maxrip13
03rockeater wrote:I'll post here instead of creating a new thread...hopefully it is read since this post is now a few weeks old

I plan on running Operator/Black. I am trying to figure out a way of adding an exercise (yes, just one extra) such as inverted rows in order to correct a rounded shoulder issue that I've had for many years (lots of pushing and not enough pulling). But, I don't think the desire to add this one exercise is enough for me to switch to the ZULU template. I plan on using deadlifts and WPU's in my Operator cluster, but don't think these exercises will help with my rounded shoulder issue although they will help with my goal of generating maximum strength. How best to add on inverted rows (or a different exercise if that is what is recommended to me)? I suppose there is a way of working them in with SE or some HIC work although it seems like this might be tough to do.
K.B. wrote:Core work/core finishers, lower back, abs etc are fine to tack on after any template.
Just confirming that I could do these every day I run Operator after my strength work? In other words, do core / lower back work 3x each week? Or did I read wrong?
If it’s rehab work do it as part of your warmup. That way it always gets done and it also contributes to getting things working right for the training session.

Re: What are ways to incorporate assistance work besides SE?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 10:53 pm
by Aiwacht
03rockeater wrote:I'll post here instead of creating a new thread...hopefully it is read since this post is now a few weeks old

I plan on running Operator/Black. I am trying to figure out a way of adding an exercise (yes, just one extra) such as inverted rows in order to correct a rounded shoulder issue that I've had for many years (lots of pushing and not enough pulling). But, I don't think the desire to add this one exercise is enough for me to switch to the ZULU template. I plan on using deadlifts and WPU's in my Operator cluster, but don't think these exercises will help with my rounded shoulder issue although they will help with my goal of generating maximum strength. How best to add on inverted rows (or a different exercise if that is what is recommended to me)? I suppose there is a way of working them in with SE or some HIC work although it seems like this might be tough to do.
K.B. wrote:Core work/core finishers, lower back, abs etc are fine to tack on after any template.
Just confirming that I could do these every day I run Operator after my strength work? In other words, do core / lower back work 3x each week? Or did I read wrong?
I do this for a similar reason, using inverted rows in a smith machine in a GTG kind of way (so only abut half of what I could do in any set). I just out them anywhere they won't interfere with my other lifts.