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General health/fitness program design

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:06 pm
by claude512

A bit of an off question considering the richness of the TB system, but if you’d had someone ask you for a “do this” program for general health/fitness/mobility with no specific goals other than I want to be fit and healthy, what would you recommend?

Anything goes, tools, modalities, frequency etc

If someone asked you to write a generic “do-this” program, what would it be?

I am generally ok in designing my own sessions following TB principles for myself, but a bit lost in telling others what to do, especially for the typical just-want-to-be-in-shape-and-healthy type


Re: General health/fitness program design

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:31 pm
by Barkadion
I would say to pick any TB template that fits one’s life schedule, do it as written with keeping load/intensity at minimum. Keep it like that for a few month and analyze at the end. Adjust and/or modify depending on the analysis.

Keeping TB as written without any modifications will hit the target of general fitness. It’s not a rocket science. It is about consistency and actually doing it.

Re: General health/fitness program design

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:08 pm
by K.B.
claude512 wrote:Hello,

A bit of an off question considering the richness of the TB system, but if you’d had someone ask you for a “do this” program for general health/fitness/mobility with no specific goals other than I want to be fit and healthy, what would you recommend?

Anything goes, tools, modalities, frequency etc

If someone asked you to write a generic “do-this” program, what would it be?

I am generally ok in designing my own sessions following TB principles for myself, but a bit lost in telling others what to do, especially for the typical just-want-to-be-in-shape-and-healthy type

Base twice a year, beginning and midpoint. Black or Black-Pro + Operator for the rest.

Alternatively, for the more cardio inclined; Fighter or Fighter/Bangkok + Green.

Ultimately any protocol + template will work, with the caveat that extraordinary amounts of cardio may not be healthy in terms of hormonal markers. By extraordinary I don't mean running for an hour everyday, but more if you're living that marathon or ultra endurance lifestyle year-round, putting in heavy duty high mileage week after week.

Re: General health/fitness program design

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 5:36 am
by claude512
Thank you both Bark and K.B.!
I will suggest base then Black Pro with Operator. For HIC I’ll put in the classic “whatever floats your boat that day, but if in doubt do Apex or resets”

Thanks a lot!

Re: General health/fitness program design

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:39 am
by KayBee
This is a good example of why we need to be specific when stating what we want.

If someone asked me the question I'd typically ask them what they mean. By that I'd try to get some specifics from them. "I want to be fit and healthy" you want to walk to the bus stop without getting gassed? Do you mean you want to be able to run 3 miles whenever not want to?

Re: General health/fitness program design

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:44 am
by claude512
Agreed on being specific, however most people just give you blank stares when asking what they want and mumble something about “just want to be fit”

Based on the feedback I’ve decided to recommend starting with 6 weeks of BB then that should give a better idea about likes and wants.

Specifically I’ll write out BB based on the excellent Block I in the PPLE book, extended to 6 weeks; based on standard OP percentages, ramping up running time to 40 mins over weeks 5 and 6, and completely removing situps (don’t see the need for situps in a general program). I’ll also sub in an Apex session on week 4, just for the heck of it :-)
That should give an idea about strength and conditioning levels and HIC preferences.

I will test it myself over the next few weeks and report back!

Thanks a lot for all the feedback

Re: General health/fitness program design

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:22 pm
by Green2Blue
My vote would be Operator Black Pro, rotating in a Fighter Bangkok Green every 4th cycle.