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UPDATE: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:51 am
by cws1992
Well I decided to sign up for a Half marathon in 20 days. What is the best way to train for this? My goal is just to get it done in less than 2 hours and 15 minutes. I haven’t been doing any E sessions really other than playing pickleball for 3-4 hours straight lol.

Obviously not ideal to train for a half marathon in 20 days but figured you guys could help. Just did a 45 min E session at a conversational pace. Slow and I mean real slow. My Apple Watch broke so I couldn’t measure my heart rate but it had to be less than 150. I’m getting it fixed tomorrow, from what I’ve read I should be training in the 155-160 range? Thanks guys

UPDATE: just got done with my first ever half marathon today. My goal going in was 2 hr 15 minutes. The odds were not in my favor. Not only did I have 3 weeks to train for it but I also was on 2 hours of sleep and kinda hungover still from previous night. Anyways, Idk my official time yet but I believe it’s going to be just under 2 hours. It’s amazing what your body can do when you don’t listen to the voice inside your head. Just wanted to share with you guys. Thanks again.

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:01 am
by mikhou
20 days? My only 2 pieces of advice would be to 1) throw out any goals and 2) just try to go progressively longer as you get closer. The only question I would ask is this: If you haven't been doing any E work whatsoever, what possessed you to sign up for a half-marathon that's 20 days away? :?:

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 6:41 am
by godjira1
my personal definition of a "fit" guy is someone who can finish a 10k run pretty much on demand (disregard time). 21km is probably a bit trickier but if you are pretty fit to start with I reckon you just need to take it slow before the race, and maybe do a slow 10k and 15k before the race to see if your 2h 15min is a reasonable target.

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:03 pm
by cws1992
mikhou wrote:20 days? My only 2 pieces of advice would be to 1) throw out any goals and 2) just try to go progressively longer as you get closer. The only question I would ask is this: If you haven't been doing any E work whatsoever, what possessed you to sign up for a half-marathon that's 20 days away? :?:
Honestly my 2020 resolution is just to do shit. Challenge myself. Do stuff I’ve never done before. And my friend did one recently and we are competitive lol.

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:05 pm
by cws1992
godjira1 wrote:my personal definition of a "fit" guy is someone who can finish a 10k run pretty much on demand (disregard time). 21km is probably a bit trickier but if you are pretty fit to start with I reckon you just need to take it slow before the race, and maybe do a slow 10k and 15k before the race to see if your 2h 15min is a reasonable target.
I’m a firefighter so I’d consider myself pretty fit. I stay active and am working out and doing conditioning 5-6x a week. I feel my goal is attainable. Now I signed up for another half marathon 80 days away and that one I can properly train for. The goal for that one is less than 2 hours.

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:53 pm
by mikhou
cws1992 wrote:
mikhou wrote:20 days? My only 2 pieces of advice would be to 1) throw out any goals and 2) just try to go progressively longer as you get closer. The only question I would ask is this: If you haven't been doing any E work whatsoever, what possessed you to sign up for a half-marathon that's 20 days away? :?:
Honestly my 2020 resolution is just to do shit. Challenge myself. Do stuff I’ve never done before. And my friend did one recently and we are competitive lol.
It makes a difference if you're fit. But if you had been doing absolutely nothing conditioning wise I would question you doing it. That being said, I have no problems with people challenging themselves.

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:21 pm
by Islay_malt
I'd strongly suggest running slower than you think you need to. i.e. a conversational pace. If you feel strong at 10 miles, pick up the pace, because you'll probably be able to suffer through the last 5k. In this case it's far better to be conservative. Some good advice I've heard from others is to treat a 1/2 marathon like a 10 mile warmup with a 5k race at the end. Good luck, and let us know how you do.....

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:40 pm
by Pr3inar
cws1992 wrote:
mikhou wrote:20 days? My only 2 pieces of advice would be to 1) throw out any goals and 2) just try to go progressively longer as you get closer. The only question I would ask is this: If you haven't been doing any E work whatsoever, what possessed you to sign up for a half-marathon that's 20 days away? :?:
Honestly my 2020 resolution is just to do shit. Challenge myself. Do stuff I’ve never done before. And my friend did one recently and we are competitive lol.
Did exactly this in may 2019. I had 4 workouts with running in the 2 months before, besides that I hadn’t done any running since sept 2018. Two 3000 m jogging in the forest, a hill sprint workout and a crossfit class with some 400 m.

If you are reasonably fit you can do it if you:
- start slow. Use your smart watch to keep the pace. 10:21 min/mile or 6:26 pr km
- use a rabbit/run with someone at the same pace
- be prepared for 1,5 week of incredible soreness. I couldn’t bend the knees without having my quadriceps just give up, and I would fall
- Apply bandaids for blisters before you run if you know you have any hot spots
- use running socks to minimalize the chance for those blisters you tried to avoid
- realize those blisters will come anyway
- it will hurt the days after no matter what hou do, your heart and lungs may be up for it, but your legs and feet is not. It will take some time to recover
- carb up before, use carb gels and caffeine during the race (but try them a few times before, they can make your stomach a bit funny)

You can do it, good luck!

Re: 20 days to train for a half marathon. Advice.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:41 pm
by Pr3inar
Pr3inar wrote:
cws1992 wrote:
mikhou wrote:20 days? My only 2 pieces of advice would be to 1) throw out any goals and 2) just try to go progressively longer as you get closer. The only question I would ask is this: If you haven't been doing any E work whatsoever, what possessed you to sign up for a half-marathon that's 20 days away? :?:
Honestly my 2020 resolution is just to do shit. Challenge myself. Do stuff I’ve never done before. And my friend did one recently and we are competitive lol.
Did exactly this in may 2019. I had 4 workouts with running in the 2 months before, besides that I hadn’t done any running since sept 2018. Two 3000 m jogging in the forest, a hill sprint workout and a crossfit class with some 400 m.

If you are reasonably fit you can do it if you:
- start slow. Use your smart watch to keep the pace. 10:21 min/mile or 6:26 pr km
- use a rabbit/run with someone at the same pace
- be prepared for 1,5 week of incredible soreness. I couldn’t bend the knees without having my quadriceps just give up the first days after
- Apply bandaids for blisters before you run if you know you have any hot spots
- use running socks to minimalize the chance for those blisters you tried to avoid
- realize those blisters will come anyway
- it will hurt the days after no matter what hou do, your heart and lungs may be up for it, but your legs and feet is not. It will take some time to recover
- carb up before, use carb gels and caffeine during the race (but try them a few times before, they can make your stomach a bit funny)

You can do it, good luck!