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Belt squats

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:03 pm
by CeWo88
What are your thoughts on belt squats?

Good replacement for barbell squats as main lift?
Good replacement for barbell squats as main lift as long as you have another load bearing lift like e.g. deadlifts?
Not suitable as main lift at all?

Re: Belt squats

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:00 pm
by rs12
I love belt squats. I don't use them as a main lift but rather as an accessory lift for building my legs. They are great for that.

Could you use them as a main lift? Yes, but you would probably want to pair them with a heavy compound lift like Deadlift, Good Morning, etc... to stress the whole body appropriately. They are really awesome for training your lower body but they completely deload your upper body.

Really, you can do your cluster however you want. Give belt squats a shot and see how it goes. Unless you're a competitive lifter or have a need for certain lifts for your job it doesn't really if you use belt squats or back squats, IMO. Just squat and keep adding weight.

Re: Belt squats

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:07 pm
by Croaker
Our gym just recently got one of these - it's pretty fun to use, kind of like a more functional version of the leg press, so probably good as accessory work or as a sub. It's a godsend for folks with low back issues, and can help people overcoming an injury maintain and build a lot of leg strength. It can also provide one of the best hip stretches known to man (just stand up with the belt on for a minute).