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Obese 32m here: do I wait on TB or begin with it

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:34 am
by Corshia_Sey
Goal: Drop from 312lb to 160lb to be within Army height and weight standards, make it through Infantry OSUT. Allotting 2 years for this training goal.
Strength Template: Fighter
Conditioning Protocol: Green
Lift numbers: N/A, need to redo 1rm
SE/Bodyweight numbers: N/A, need to determine these
Run Times: Not running at this time. Worries about joint health (my knees). Am willing to run after I dropped some weight.
Diet: no restrictions.

My question is pretty simple: do I do something else like starting strength while I focus on losing this weight over the next year+ or can I go through BB and my continuation protocol immediately? Thank you.

Re: Obese 32m here: do I wait on TB or begin with it

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:10 pm
by TBPenguin
Whether starting with SS or Base Building is better depends on how much lifting you have been doing, how strong you are. The closer you are to being a beginner, the better SS will be for helping you gain strength faster. But the most important thing is consistency and doing the other stuff that helps you succeed. If you are consistent with the Base Building conditioning and with a diet specific to your goal, then the difference between two lifting programs won't be that important. If you wanted you could always do a simple linear progress with the weights, whether 2 or 3 days a week, alongside the conditioning, and switch to Fighter or Operator after the lifting gets hard.

Re: Obese 32m here: do I wait on TB or begin with it

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 6:03 pm
by jzt
You say you have 2 years, so start making time-based goals.

If I were you (it varies from person to person) I would start with 2 months of EASY stuff:

-walking 10k steps per day (get an iwatch, some are very cheap)
-focusing on getting 8 hours of sleep
-playing around with VERY light weight (50% or less) on the bench, squat and deadlift and doing high volume
-cleaning up my diet

Once that becomes part of your routine, then I would do 2 months of TB Base Building, while maintaining the sleep/diet part.

After those 4 months, you should be ready to start operator green protocol and you will still have 20 months to get ready.

Re: Obese 32m here: do I wait on TB or begin with it

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:25 pm
by Corshia_Sey
I appreciate the feedback. I'm gonna do what jzt said and get after it. I recently acquired the Green Protocol book. I was really looking forward to its release and appreciate its publication. But for now, gonna keep it simple. If all goes well in year 1, year 2 I'll switch over and run through Foundation. Baby steps though. Baby steps.