Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

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Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

Post by Barkadion »

I don't like T-nation, but I like Bret Contreras's stuff.

https://www.t-nation.com/training/are-h ... -deadlifts

BTW, my short term experience with KB swings as a finisher is great!
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Re: Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

Post by Saracen »

Awesome article. T-Nation has some solid stuff, you just gotta separate the junk.

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Re: Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

Post by MuftiMike »

This certainly resonates with my experience. I can neglect deadlifts for weeks, and if I'm regularly swinging heavy (32kg+ for me) I can come back to the DL with no change or even improvements. Don't know how it would shake out with lighter KBs though.

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Re: Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

Post by Green2Blue »

I can't see any exercise replacing my beloved deadlifts. But this has kind of motivated me into possibly adding swings into my conditioning in the future.

T-Nation puts out a lot of good, FREE information. But they do exist to make money so you have to sort through the garbage.

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Re: Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

Post by J-Madd »

I haven't pulled very heavy in over a year, but I've been seining the crap out a heavy kettlebells in the meantime. Over the last few weeks I've been doing some programing that involves hitting rep maxes on the DL, and I'm still estimating out at a bit over 90% of my all-time best DL 1RM. In my experience swinging a heavy KB can keep your DL in very good order. I don't know that swinging alone can improve the DL, but it can maintain it. I also find heavy swings a lot less expensive in terms of recovery/injury than the DL, so they might will in terms of the "minimal effective dose" principle.

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Re: Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

Green2Blue wrote:T-Nation puts out a lot of good, FREE information. But they do exist to make money so you have to sort through the garbage.
Most of the time I skim through T-Nations articles first, if there is a mention about Biotest products I usually will ignore the article.

i also tend to avoid certain authors.

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Re: Heavy KB swings VS DL and more

Post by Stechkin »

T-Nation is alright if you ignore all the shilling for supplements. I like the stuff by Dan John and Ben Bruno, but even in their articles you will sometimes find some sort of diet suggestion that includes "add one scoop of [random snake oil]." I don't know if they add that in in order to get published or if the editors put that in, either way I just ignore it.

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