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Bulgarian bags

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:01 pm
by Gerryatric
I have improvised one of these with a inner tube sand and duct tape mostly as a diversion . My questions are firstly do any of you guys use these
Secondly how do you integrate them with your other tools

Re: Bulgarian bags

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:23 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
THese are great fun.

Use them as you would any other implement.... you can Clean, Press, Squat, Shoulder..... most of the sandbag exercises.... they defintely add a different quality to your session, being a mite unstable..... and you may find that you may need a fairly lighter weight at first. [Our heaviest was 65lbs, and was mostly used by me for the lifts mentioned above, Running with it, the get up.... our regular sized was circa 25lbs, and again was used for all the stuff already mentioned, and was great for everything including some of the more Bulgarian specific exercises]

We started using them at The Training Centre a few years ago..... practically indestructible.

Runs with them, Get-ups with them [over the shoulder rather than help in the hand], Zercher style Squats, Back squats.

In terms of Bulgarian bag specific movements you have half moons etc.... there was a great video on youtube, i seem to remember that was all about Bulgarian Bag exercises.

I typically use Sandbags for a SE or HIC Day....since they cannot really be considered a max lift type tool. Our heaviest SB is circa 70lbs made from an old kitbag.

Hope that helps

Bloody Good fun, mate

Re: Bulgarian bags

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:04 am
by Gerryatric
Thanks mate will have a look for the video you mentioned